Truth ~ Perfection Changeless 250210
What is Truth ~ Susan Mack ~ Lyrics
Ages have passed and the question still remains. Wise men have pondered it and echoed its refrain. What is Truth? Oh, what is Truth? Pilot asked our Lord. This is Truth! Oh, this is Truth!

1. Mary Baker Eddy apparently is giving us the message at the beginning of the textbook that Truth is the most important synonymous term for God on which to focus. 2. The only way we can understand anything is to prove it to ourselves. We can overcome anything that is unlike Truth if we understand, which means that we have to prove it to ourselves & we have to live it, then we can demonstrate it & gain freedom from things that are unlike Truth. 3. Our freedom is based on the way we think. What are we going to permit to guide us so that we can cultivate the understanding that is needed to be free from anything that is not true. 4. Are we looking for the Truth when we are utilizing Mind? Mind represents creative ability, capacity, capability, functionality, facility, action, performance, power. If we utilize those things, realizing that the only real substance is Spirit, then we will have power.
5. Mary Baker Eddy says, the good we do & embody gives us the only power obtainable. So Spirit is our only substance, & it is flawless & transparent. Otherwise, it's not Spirit, it's matter, which is the absolute opposite of Spirit. 6. Certainly, matter doesn't give us anything that reflects because matter absorbs. So we get our reflective ability from Spirit. 7. Frederick L Rawson said that Christian Science is the science of right thinking. If we're going to follow that what we put into consciousness is going to give us our results then we obviously want to put into consciousness perfection, changeless. 8. Otherwise we're going to have matter instead of Truth, evil instead of good, & it's going to compound. So we must handle these terms correctly. 9. God is incorporeal, doesn't have ears or mouth. That is a word that describes the incorporeal, divine, supreme & infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
10. God is omnipresent, which means that all of God's laws are omnipresent. It's very easy to focus on perfection if we only look to the definitions of God & Good ~ See Above 11. All creation is creation of God. We have to start with the perfection, which do not imply any fallible individuality whatsoever. 12. Perfect God, perfect man. There's no limit to spirit being the substance. Wherever we are, it is there. It's omnipresent, the spiritual image & likeness of God. 13. Generic Man, not a mortal man ~ See section above We are the full representation of every single one of those qualities. We should teach children all the qualities of God from the inception of a child's birth. There's no limit to the ability of a child. It doesn't matter what belief may have been put on them as a label. We don't have to put any limitation on them. That's not perfection. Changeless limitation is the opposite of perfection. We must nurture each child to reflect all 7 terms for God.
Introductory Quotes ~ Science & Health 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy System of Divine Metaphysics DIVINE METAPHYSICS is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. [SH 146:31-5] 32 PLANKS OF THE PLATFORM ~ When this is understood and the letter and the spirit bear witness, the infallibility of divine metaphysics will be demonstrated. [SH 330:9]
Definitions of God ~ Good ~ Man God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465] God ~ The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587] Good ~ God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience, omni-intelligence, omni-knowing, omni-wisdom, ~ omnipresence; omni-action. [SH 587] Man ~ The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. [SH 591] Scientific Statement of Being There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image & likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. [SH 468]
4 Operators 1. Word ~ Facts about 7 terms for God 2. Christ ~ Translate from matter to Spirit 3. Christianity ~ Demonstrate ~ Path to healing 4. Science ~ Automatically live perfect life ~ Jesus saw only the perfect man 5 Spiritual Senses 1. Sight - spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing - spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling - divine consciousness. 4. Smell - intuition of character. 5. Taste - relish of Truth. Generic Man 1. Male ~ Courage, strength, protector, perseverance, fatherhood & responsibility. 2. Female ~ Tenderness, kindness, loving, nurturing, forgiving, & compassion. 3. Child ~ Innocence, trust, forgiveness, curiosity. Defining the Desire for Spiritual Progress 1. Infinite Progression is Concrete Being [Misc 82:20 ~ Mary Baker Eddy] 2. Exceptional = A+ Student = A life of giving 30%+ of everything. 3. Above Average = B Student = 20% 4. Sheep = C Student = 10% Plod along with no strong purpose