Christian Science Index ~ Synonym 1 of 7 ~ God is Mind
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0. Introduction ~ Please see below 1. Treatments 2. Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M. Wright ~ Analysis of God as Mind 3. Mary Baker Eddy Definitions
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True sense of infinite;
Question. — What is Mind?
Answer. — Mind is God. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality. There can be but one Mind, because there is but one God; and if mortals claimed no other Mind and accepted no other, sin would be unknown. We can have but one Mind, if that one is infinite. We bury the sense of infinitude, when we admit that, although God is infinite, evil has a place in this infinity, for evil can have no place, where all space is filled with God.
Mary Baker Eddy’s references Contained in Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures (See Mind Definition Below under Science and Health ~ Chpt 14)
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Your Divinity Revealed by Helen M. Wright
In-depth Analysis of God as Mind
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1 | 7 Symns for God | Term for God | Your Divinity Revealed | Wright, Helen M | Chapter 4 ~ Subtitle List | Show all | A Scientific Analysis of the Synonymous Term for God ~ Chapter 4 Subtitle List for Science and Health Topics for Mind Pgs 119 to 123 - Subtitle List The Meaning Mrs. Eddy Gives to Mind What Mind Is What Mind Does What Mind Has What Mind Deals With Mind Interprets Itself Terms Pertaining to Mind Words Mrs. Eddy Uses to Describe MIND |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Term for God | Science and Health | Wright, Helen M | Giving Ourselves a Treatment | Show all | A Scientific Analysis of the Synonymous Term for God ~ Chapter 4 ~ Giving Ourselves A Treatment ~ Pgs 222 - 223 In treatment, Mrs. Eddy declared: All is Mind; there is no matter, and this needs only to be understood to establish perpetual harmony. I do not lack anything. I do not lack wisdom or love. I do not lack judgment or intelligence. I do not lack energy or industry. I do not lack, and cannot lack, anything, or the means by which to acquire anything. When we start with Mind and go through the ideas of the seven synonymous terms we give ourselves a treatment because we culture our consciousness into a divine reality. When we see that our consciousness is of the nature of divine reality, it is certainly a wonderful treatment. We not only give ourselves a treatment but we are treating our whole concept of the universe. Our work, our understanding, has its impact on everything. We are building up a new universe, so let's try to stay in our native atmosphere of the seven synonymous terms. To make this easier, a list of all the Science and Health references on Mind are included here. The student may also find it useful to review what Mind is, does, deals with as seen at the beginning of this Mind chapter. Science & Health References on Mind ~ Pgs 223 - 226 |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Term for God | Your Divinity Revealed | Wright, Helen M | Mind ~ Terms | MP3 | 12/27/2022 -- Your Divinity Revealed by Helen Wright - 1999 ~ Mind Terms CLICK MP3 to listen | |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Term for God | Science and Health | Wright, Helen M | Mind ~ Words Underlined | Mary Baker Eddy’s references Contained in Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures | ||
5 | 7 Symns for God | Term for God | Your Divinity Revealed | Wright, Helen M | Power of the Mind ~ Chpt 4 | Show all | WE STAND IN AWE before the great fact that we can learn the nature of God, of Being, as Mind. Mrs. Eddy taught that the primal slavery was accepting human life as defined by the physical senses. IN CLASS she started her revelation at a single point in her students' thinking, namely, their concept of God. Each student had to explain his concept of God. Then, for three days Mrs. Eddy would open up to them a view of divinity that transformed the world they had known. SHE PRESENTED them with a divine Principle that knew no pain or death. Her students stood in awe before the glimpse of reality they were catching, and felt centuries of spiritual growth would be necessary to grasp the vision sufficiently to heal with it. BUT SO CLEARLY did Mrs. Eddy present divine Love as the very Principle of man's being, and so clearly did she show the Mind of that Principle to be their Mind, that after three days Mrs. Eddy had worked such a transformation in her students' thought that she could confidently demand that they accomplish a healing of some disease or discord before the next class convened. And they did. LIKE THOSE EARLY STUDENTS, we are devoting ourselves to the greatest, most important, and most empowering pursuit in life, namely, learning what reality is. IT ISN'T POSSIBLE to spend our time and energy for something higher than learning the nature of our divine being |
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1 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Communication ~ One Way Simplex | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/26/2023 -- SUMMARY 1.Do we know our business? 2. Our business is to align ourselves with the principle of every activity in which we are involved. 3. Aligning ourselves with principle is how we communicate with God, how we talk to God. 4. Genesis 1 stresses the point that we must let our consciousness be open so that we can accept the qualities of God as outlined in Genesis chapter 1. 5. We need to learn the 4 operators of the system of divine Metaphysics ~ See the definition in the Header from Science and Health 463 6. To know Mary Baker Eddy better, we must study her writings. 7. To know God better, study the definitions of God and the definition of Good and the quotations that are introductions to the Science and Health chapters. 8. To align oneself with God, it must be in an impersonal way, which means that if we love an individual, it has to be loving all mankind. 9. We can't love one person and hate another. There is a very definite line between love and hate. Either it's all love or if there's anything at all that is not all love, then it's hate. There is no mixture in Spirit which is flawless, so this is the same with Truth in error. 10. There is no evil and good. There is no good and evil. There is no hate and love. There is no love and hate. All expressions of God's qualities must be impersonal, so everyone is treated the same way. 11. To settle our accounts on an ongoing continuous basis, so there is never any conflict with anyone that goes unresolved. 12. The Golden Rule is ~ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. 13. All communication is without interruption. 14. Nothing can dilute, divert, stop or reverse the communication from God and man. 15. Nothing can prevent the benefits of what anyone has for others. 16. All communication is mental. 17. 100% customer satisfaction is a mutual relationship where honesty must be utilized on both sides. 18. God is All in all and there is nothing but God. 19. Referenced Authors 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Mary Baker Eddy a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes, please refer to the 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. See all 16 books + the textbook. 3. Clara Barton ~ Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy has done the greatest good for her fellow creatures and Christian Science, the most potent factor in religious life. 4. Dale Carnegie ~ a. Problems: record and do not look at it for 6 months. Most resolve themselves. b. Great respect for Mary Baker Eddy 5. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago. 6. Bliss Knapp ~ The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil. 7. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. |
2 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind | MBEI | Effective Use of Here & Now | Treat_Mp3 | Show all | 12/29/2022 - Dissolve All Barriers That Try To Steal the Moments If we replace a thought of limitation with one of true being, we realize that the only real time is now and the only real place is here. Life, from a human sense is limited. But as we step-by-step raise thought above the human, we open the door to letting the human touch the divine. Mary Baker Eddy stated that the magnitude of the humanity of Jesus enabled his divinity. |
3 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Forgive, To Give, Pay It Forward | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 10/03/2023 --Please refer to citations in the text below to see the Complete Quotations SUMMARY 1. NOW is the only time. There is no past and no future. 2. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 8 Love your enemies – Enemy is one who you think is your enemy. It is only in your thought that one or anyone is an enemy. The believer and the belief are all the same. 3. Chpt 10 ~ Misc Writings ~ Pg 210 Love your enemies or you will not lose them. Charity is courage of conviction. Love opens eyes of blind. 4. My Pg 191:4 Be patient toward persecution = weakness of tyrants. Enemies unconsciously advertise for good. Let your light shine. 5. Referenced Authors: a. Christ Jesus ~ Forgive 70x7 = ALWAYS forgive = realize no right to condemn. b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ Prayed multi times/day that she was not criticizing = look only for good always. EVERYONE needs to do the same thing. c. Dale Carnegie ~ Be careful about criticizing – tomorrow you may realize you are wrong and agree with the opposition. d. Francis Fluno ~ Criticism = prevents progress for oneself. 6.Foundation for criticizing = non-existent. 7.Pay it forward – movie Give to everyone without even having a specified reason. Give to be reflecting love impersonally. Joy greatest when giving for benefit of someone else. Always try to give anonymously. 8.Think about GIVING TO ~ not forgiving. 9.Dogs bark to get attention. Look for the real reason. The barking may be only a symbol pointing to an unrelated cause. Any individual can be acting like a dog with a desperate desire to get attention. 10.Need a problem solved – address it ASAP 11.Please refer to mp3 for more complete details. |
4 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Freedom and Free | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/27/2023 -- What is freedom? & What is Free? SUMMARY Mary Baker Eddy: a. America was the only place where Christian Science could have been discovered, founded and had leadership. b. America, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. c. America founded by those escaping the oppression of the dictatorships of Europe ~ First priority was freedom in the New World. d. America has been totally under the control of UK since 1871 when America borrowed money from a Rockefeller family for the Civil War which was instigated by UK for the very purpose of dividing America. A new Constitution was put in place which made America subservient to the UK government instead of American government being subservient to American Population. e. All attorneys swear to the oath which is controlled by the UK ~ Using the title Esquire after their real name. f. The Queen of England has been controlling the US for the last 80 years. g. The 5 Eyes are all UK controlled. h. The Patriot Act was for the very reason of strengthening the UK control over the US population. i. Patriot Act was the result of 9-11 September 11, 2001 tragedy. This tragedy was all pre-engineered in order to establish the Patriot Act for further control of the population by the UK. 5. Referenced Authors: a. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth. b. Mary Baker Eddy ~ i. System of divine metaphysics ~ Please See Header. ii. It enables everyone to apply the system and get a consistent result. iii. Science and Health could not be published until Mary Baker Eddy delivered the manuscript for Animal Magnetism. c. Robert Putnam ~ i. Council of Nicaea 325 A.D. ii. Council of Nicaea gave total control of religion to the state; d. Frederick L Rawson ~ i. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; ii. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. e. Helen Wright ~ i. Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. ii. 6 volume edition of a complete Analysis of the 1875 Science and Health iii. It is our duty to follow the 10 Commandments iv. Sermon on the Mount v. The Golden Rule vi. If we follow only the first commandment that suffices if we understand what God is, which is defined by Mary Baker Eddy on page 465 and 587. vii. The operators must be applied to the elements in order to give the correct result. viii. Math, music, and divine metaphysics all have elements, and operators. |
5 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Term for God | MBEI | God is Mind ~ Network of 7 | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 12/03/2022 --- All the synonyms work together in one grand network. Like the Redwood Sequoia trees of Northwest California, the roots bond together in unity to make them all as one unified cohesion of strength.
We are all one brotherhood as we share the only and only Father-Mother God. |
6 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Intelligence ~ God the Source | Treat_Mp3 | Show all | 09/21/2023 -- SUMMARY 1. Science & Health ~ Chpt 1 Prayer ~ Pg 2 & 3 God's Standard God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness. The spiritual mathematics Asking God to be God is a vain repetition. God is 'the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever;' and He who is immutably right will do right without being reminded of His province. The wisdom of man is not sufficient to warrant him in advising God. Who would stand before a blackboard, and pray the principle of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already established, and it is our task to work out the solution. Shall we ask the divine Principle of all goodness to do His own work? His work is done, and we have only to avail ourselves of God's rule in order to receive His blessing, which enables us to work out our own salvation. The Divine Being must be reflected by man, — else man is not the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One 'altogether lovely;' but to understand God is the work of eternity, and demands absolute consecration of thought, energy, and desire. 2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587 GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. 3. The spiritual nature of the senses. Senses of soul are the spiritual senses, not the so called material senses. 4.Fake it until you make it. 5.Referenced Authors: 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ System of divine metaphysics; 3. Robert Putnam ~ Ten Bible Lessons, Council of Nicaea and Mystery of Godliness & Iniquity; 4. Frederick L Rawson ~ Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; 5. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. God is all in all and there is nothing but God. |
7 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind Reveals Truth | MBEI | Law, Governor, Controller | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 12/27/2022 --- End All Conflict ~ Mind Reveals Truth The fact that there is only one Mind, opens the door to grasp the reality that there can also be only one Law, Governor, and therefore all is controlled by the one Controller, God. This God is neither a part-time God nor a space-limited God. God either is All-in-all or there is no God. There is too much evidence to refute the omnipresence of God. God requires a manifestation just as an artist must express the thoughts being held that beg expression. Otherwise, the artist is not an artist but only a name without significance. Man is required of God in order for God to be man's God. And, Man is the image and God is the source ---!!! |
8 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Terms for God - Your Divinity Revealed | MBEI | Letting the term for God be a Guide to Heal | Treat Mp3 Treat Pdf | Show all | 07/28/2023 --- God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. [SH 465]
The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. [SH 587] |
9 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBE | Diapason of Heaven | Eddy, Mary Baker | MBE College Class Notes 1881 to 1898 ~ Mind | Treat Mp3 Treat Pdf | Show all | 08/03/2023 ---- 1 of 7 MIND - THE DIAPASON OF HEAVEN Mrs. Eddy writes, “The real Christian Scientist is constantly accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven: ‘Good is my God, and my God is good. Love is my God, and my God is Love.’” (Mis. 206:19) |
10 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Mind Controls All | MBEI | Mind ~ Place, Space, Time | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 08/28/2023 -- Place, Space, Time ~ One Mind Controls All SUMMARY 1. Divine metaphysics is now reduced to a system, to a form comprehensible by and adapted to the thought of the age in which we live. This system enables the learner to demonstrate the divine Principle, upon which Jesus’ healing was based, and the sacred rules for its present application to the cure of disease. ~ Science and Health 146:31 2.System Defined (a) Synonyms 1. Mind ~ Source of everything needed because it is mental. 2. Spirit ~ The only substance which is flawless. 3. Soul ~ Spiritual viewpoint of all existence. 4. Principle ~ System and structure which is always in balance. 5. Life ~ Living the qualities of God and multiplying by reflection. 6. Truth ~ Staying on track without deviation. 7. Love ~ Nurturing all the qualities to bring understanding to recognize wholeness. (b) Operators 1. Word ~ the facts about God 2. Christ ~ translating what comes our way to its spiritual nature. 3. Christianity ~ using the understanding to demonstrate two items above were accurately understood 4. Science ~ approve understanding of reality as a result of the three items above is complete. ------------------------------------------- 3. Study (Your Divinity Revealed) by Helen Wright to understand the above eleven components. ------------------------------------------- 4.Beautiful cooperation between two countries that are draining the swamp. 1. Exposing the Evil (a) Nazism (b) Child abuse (c) Child trafficking (d) Child kidnapping (e) Child slavery Market (f) Pedophilia (g) Biological laboratories for genocide (h) Violating country's borders. (i) Violating international agreements. (j) Violating security of other countries. (k) Murdering civilians of neighboring countries 2. Eradicating the evils noted above 3. Returning the children to their parents. ------------------------------------------- 5. Nothing can be out of place or lacking space or be out of sequence because Mind is always in control. ------------------------------------------- 6. Giving and gratitude are the cure for lack. ------------------------------------------- 7. Lack Below is a list of some of the solutions that are effective to heal the believe of lack: 1. Forget about ‘ME’ attitude. TRASH it --- !!! a. Focus on everyone & everything EXCLUDING yourself. b. Homeless ~ (1)children, (2)adults, (3)animals. c. If you are homeless, forget it and focus on others. 2. Give generously & ANONYMOUSLY. 3. Express gratitude in ACTIONS about everything good. LOOK for good. Mary Baker Eddy did this 3 times a day. 4. SMILE ALL THE TIME from within so it is NOT fake. Smile with JOY in your heart. 5. If you cannot figure out why you should be joyful --- forget Christian Science --- you are lost and do not want to be found. 6. You should be able to make a gratitude list of 100 spiritual qualities anytime 24/7/365 --- !!! ------------------------------------------- 8. Wisdom of a Pastor: a. The parents were members of his church and had 6 children. b. They lived in a 1 room apartment. c. Sunday ~ they complained to the Pastor that they needed more rooms. d. Monday ~ a knock on the door. The Pastor brought 6 goats, and left them in their room. e. The Pastor said have FUN, I'll come back in a month and see how you are doing. f. One month later, the Pastor checked on them. g. They were all happy, having fun playing with the goats. h. The Pastor returned the goats to their owner. i. The parents said WOW, we have so much room. j. Gratitude for what one has always bring joy to the heart. ------------------------------------------- 9. Authors mentioned 1. Christ Jesus ~ Perfect Man 2. Mary Baker Eddy ~ (a) System of Divine metaphysics (b) A little here, a little there 3. Frederick L Rawson ~ Make other people happy 4. President Trump ~ The art of the deal 5. Helen Wright ~ (a) Your Divinity Revealed (b) Eleven components defined 6. Wentworth Winslow ~ 4 books about God 7. Bicknell Young ~ First one to realize that the Mind of God is the one & only Mind that exists |
11 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | Vision - perception | MBEI | Mind ~ Vision & Perception | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 08/10/2023 --- Most important topic is vision-perception. "Can you focus no matter what comes your way?" ~ Mary Baker Eddy
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." ~ Shakespeare Our thoughts controls our experience. Cultivate perfect thoughts to have a perfect experience. ~ Frederick L Rawson Do not pick up the phone which is only offering mortal mind suggestions. Instead listen to radio station KOG to hear only messages from God about the Kingdom of Heaven. ~ Wentworth Winslow |
12 | 7 Symns for God | Treat MBEI | God | MBEI | Vision ~ Master Key | Treat Mp3 | Show all | 09/24/2023 -- SUMMARY 1. Introduction quotes to Science and Health 1. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John viii. 32 2. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — Shakespeare 3. Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; And I am blest! This is Thy high behest: — Thou here, and everywhere. — Mary Baker Eddy 2. Science and Health ~ Chpt 17 Glossary ~ Pg 587 GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence. GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. 3. God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. ~ SH 465 ~ Mary Baker Eddy 4. Referenced Authors: 1. Christ Jesus ~ Ability to focus on truth and Truth; 2. Albert Einstein ~ “Blessed art Thou (MBE) because everything that really is, is in this Book. (SH)” “To think that a woman knew this over 80 years ago. 3. Bliss Knapp ~ He is an author, and it was regarding the fan. The fan is a symbol for separation, separating the good from the evil. 4. . Mary Baker Eddy a. System of divine metaphysics; ~ Please See Header b. Many items in the manual require her personal signature, which means that they were designed to self expire. c. The branches were detached from the mother church, with the Mother church having no authority over them. d. To see the authentic publications by Mary Baker Eddy without bureaucratic unauthorized changes. Please refer to 1910 final editions, all of which are on our website. All 16 books + the textbook. e. Please see article on Vision in Mary Baker Eddy Index 5. Frederick L Rawson ~ a. Treatment or Healing by True Prayer ~ 1,315 Treatments; b. Instant healing ~ There is nothing but God. 6. Francis J Fluno ~ See article on Criticism 7. Helen Wright ~ Your Divinity Revealed ~ Separate Chapters for each of the 7 Synonyms for God. 8. Wentworth Winslow a. The telephone = mesmeric communication; b. Radio KOG = facts about God. |
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Mary Baker Eddy Definitions
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1 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | 14 ~ Recapitulation | Show all | Chapt 14 Recapitulation ~ Pgs 469-471:12-21 True sense of infinite; Question. — What is Mind? Answer. — Mind is God. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality. There can be but one Mind, because there is but one God; and if mortals claimed no other Mind and accepted no other, sin would be unknown. We can have but one Mind, if that one is infinite. We bury the sense of infinitude, when we admit that, although God is infinite, evil has a place in this infinity, for evil can have no place, where all space is filled with God. |
2 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | 17 ~ Glossary | Show all | Mind ~ Pgs 591:16 to 20 by Mary Baker Eddy MIND. The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined. |
3 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | Medicine ~ Impossible Coalescence | Show all | Chpt 6 ~ Science, Theology, Medicine ~ 143:26 - 2 Medicine ~ Impossible Coalescence Mind is the grand creator, and there can be no power except that which is derived from Mind. If Mind was first chronologically, is first potentially, and must be first eternally, then give to Mind the glory, honor, dominion, and power everlastingly due its holy name. Inferior and unspiritual methods of healing may try to make Mind and drugs coalesce, but the two will not mingle scientifically. Why should we wish to make them do so, since no good can come of it? |
4 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | Mortal Mind | Show all | Chpt 10 ~ Science of Being ~ Pgs 330:19 Mortal Mind (The deific definitions) God is what the Scriptures declare Him to be, - Life, Truth, Love. Spirit is divine Principle, and divine Principle is Love, and Love is Mind, and Mind is not both good and bad, for God is Mind; therefore there is in reality one Mind only, because there is one God. |
5 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | Science ~ Aim of Science | Show all | Chpt 6 ~ Science, Theology, Medicine ~ 116: 11-16 Science ~ Aim of Science A correct view of Christian Science and of its adaptation to healing includes vastly more than is at first seen. Works on metaphysics leave the grand point untouched. They never crown the power of Mind as the Messiah, nor do they carry the day against physical enemies, — even to the extinction of all belief in matter, evil, disease, and death, — nor insist upon the fact that God is all, therefore that matter is nothing beyond an image in mortal mind. |
6 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | MIND | Eddy, Mary Baker | The Individual Christian Scientist ~ Doris Grekel | Show all | TICS ~ 2011-07 ~ VOL 36-01 ~ Pgs 7-11 MIND MRS. Eddy’s momentous discovery in the second half of the nineteenth century has revolutionized the world. In simplest words it is that mind is the cause of all effect. If mind embraces and emits Truth and Love it is God. If mind embraces and emits fear, error, or belief, it is evil, a lie. In 1866 only one individual on earth could see the magnitude of this great discovery. |
7 | 1 Mind - Synonym for God | MBE Definitions | Science and Health | Eddy, Mary Baker | Words and Opposites | MP3 PDF | ALPHA List of all words from Science & Health for the synonymous term Mind for God and its opposite |
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