1-Mind ~ Guarding thought by understanding how evil operates – Christian Science Treatment

 1-Mind ~ Guarding Thought by Understanding How Evil Operates                        250128

 All That Counts   MP3
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Quotes ~ Definitions ~ How to Heal Everything 1. Intro quotes from Science & Health 2. Definitions of God & Good 3. 7 terms for God 4. 4 Operators 5. View all details of above list Index 6. OTHER

    The Fire of Evil Destroyed by Angel Messages    

Some Key Points referred in this Treatment 1. We should always be striving for seeing the truth & rejecting any false path. 2. MOMENT ~ smallest amount of time. Time can never be recovered so being constructive with every moment is the difference between success & failure. 3. We have to always be viewing everything through the 5 spiritual senses, such as: 1. Sight ~ spiritual discernment. 2. Hearing ~ spiritual understanding. 3. Feeling ~ divine consciousness. 4. Smell ~ intuition of character. 5. Taste ~ relish of Truth. [Richard Oakes ~ Blue Book ~ Pg 222] 4. Mortal Mind or matter cannot make laws or influence anyone. There is only one Mind, & that Mind is the source of all laws & is the intelligence of Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth & Love. 5. Do not give life to evil by attaching it to a person or thing. It cannot live without a body. Always separate the evil from personality. The healing must be within one's own consciousness as evil is only a false belief & does not belong to any person. 6. Man is immortal. There is but one infinite manifestation. No error can attach itself to man ~ Why deceive ourselves by thinking it can do so? 7. Every manifestation of life is ever-present & omnipresent good, & this carries within itself all healing & sustaining. Know that the kingdom of heaven is within you, & this is your armor.

8. With any problem, one must always dig to get to the root cause. Evil is always deceptive. Be sure you are not being tricked by working on a decoy instead of working on the real root cause. 9. Man is not a creator. He does not even assist in creation. The only power to create is with God. God finished his creation as stated in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3. One only needs to awaken to the fact that creation is already perfect & complete. Creation is not really a creation but an individual awakening of what is already true ~ a revelation. 10. Before any action is taken, we need to be sure that we are viewing the topic through the spiritual senses. This will eliminate many of the mistakes that otherwise would be made. 11. Frederick L Rawson is one of the greatest geniuses of Christian Science. He stated that our primary goal should be to make people happy. This includes ourselves. We are the most happy when we seek the need of others & help to fulfil it. Doing it anonymously, when possible, makes the giving more perfect. 12. Healing results, more often then not, when we are living a life of giving. 13. When one is healed through a Christian Science practitioners, this only addresses 1 topic. The real solution is when there is an awakening by the one that has been benefitted so that they have a whole new motive in their life.

That motive is to study seriously the system of Divine Metaphysics which will transform their entire future. The studying will teach them more about their identity as a spiritual image & lightness of God. They are then in a position to protect & maintain their true identity. 14. Mr. Rawson stated that the primary thing that we're always working on is to dispel the belief that there is life, truth & intelligence in matter or mortal mind. The belief in matter & mortal mind is the real evil. They always present themselves as real, when in fact they are the opposite. 15. Frederick L Rawson discovered how to treat back in time, so that the entire memory of the problem disappears from the consciousness of everyone that thought the problem was real. 16. Mr. Rawson also provided a book entitled "Treatment or Healing by True Prayer" which includes a listing of 1,315 problems with the exact spiritual healing solution for each one. 17. The study of the system of Divine Metaphysics is guaranteed to give the serious student a dimension of living which is above & beyond anything imaginable compared to the life one is experiencing now. 18. The Mary Baker Eddy Institute provides a complete study program which opens the door to enable one to achieve heaven on Earth for themselves as described in the book of Revelation in the Bible.