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Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Clergymen, Help for - To Find a Text


There is no want of knowledge, God is the Principle of all knowledge, and therefore man, being God’s consciousness, knows instantly, and therefore has instantly everything that he needs.
There is no criticism, man is perfect and man knows that man is perfect; man is divine and man knows that man is divine. Man never malpractises on his fellow man, but is always loving, for man knows Truth ; man is spiritual and man knows he is spiritual; man does perfect work and man knows he docs perfect work. (It is mental malpractice to think that people you are trying to help are not ready for the truth or are antagonistic. This is one of the worst forms of sin, as it is holding back your fellow man, keeping him in bondage.) God’s man is perfect and knows and loves Truth, because he is the knowledge of God, God’s consciousness, and therefore must know Truth and love Truth and the manifestation of Truth. (Reverse all wrong thoughts thoroughly and lose yourself in conscious communion with God, realising the absolute perfection of the real world that is in Mind, and the perfection of the movement of the ideas in Mind, alias man. You will be surprised at the readiness and joy with which others will then listen to Truth.).