0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


Man·s (here state the organ such as ankle, elbow, etc.) is never dis- located, man's-- is spiritual and perfect, ministering to man and benefiting man, for man's - - is (here state the spiritual reality of the part dislocated) always in place, always perfect, working in perfect harmony with all the ideas of God. No organ is ever displaced, for every organ is an idea in divine Mind, and is held in place in divine Mind. Man is consciousness, and every idea connected with that consciousness is in its right place. There are no material laws of cause and effect, the only cause is God. Every single idea is controlled by God, and by God alone. Nothing can ever get out of place, for God controls all; every idea remains eternally in place for ever, fulfilling its purpose. God's will constitUtes the only law, and the will of God is the wiJI of Love, the law of complete harmony and perfection. (Add treatment against all symptoms, such as pain, swelling, etc.)