0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no diabetes, for man is spiritual and perfect. 
There is no excessive thirst, man is always perfectly satisfied. 
There is no excessive production of sugar which has to be eliminated, for all function is spiritual and is under the sole control of God, the Principle of law and order. 

God's control means perfect and exquisite adjustment, and each idea performs its own special function in perfect harmony with all other ideas. 

There is no waste, everything is in its place, every idea of God being utilised to the uttermost. There is no disorder, all is perfect harmony, for every idea is eternally governed by God, Love, and by God only. There is no excess of sugar, for all is spiritual, and every idea of God is in its right place.
No idea of God is ever wasted; all God's ideas are fully utilised to the uttermost. Only God's ideas unfold to man and only ideas of God are passed on; these arc passed on in perfect order, for God is the Principle of all law and order.

If necessary, realise that man's pancreas is a divine idea, never out of order, man’s pancreas is spiritual, the reflection of God as Spirit, the Principle of all goodness and holiness, working perfectly with absolute regularity and ease. 

Then to minimise the apparent effect of the reduced diet, usually ordered, realise that there is no want of assimilation of the food, man's food is the ideas of God, which man digests, assimilates and understands perfectly, these ideas feed man and nourish man...
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