0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no deafness, man has perfect understanding; man's ean arc the capacity to understand God's ideas, a divine capacity to understand any idea of God which comes to him; a faculty of Mind, spiritual and perfect, working divinely. The ears are ideas in divine Mind, infinite, perfect and eternal, and can never deteriorate in any way, for they arc an infinite capacity of infinite Mind. There is no age, all is eternal iife. 
There is no difficulty in hearing, man hears and understands with perfect ease and infinite joy. Man is God's consciousness, always listening to God, and not one of God's ideas is ever lost, for man understands perfectly every idea that comes to him, and receives it with joy; he has perfect capacity, the Christ capacity, to understand any idea of God. The ideas unfold with perfect sequence, are thoroughly understood, and re-presented with perfect sequence, giving man infinite joy. There is no deafness, man is spiritual, his capacity to hear is a spiritual capacity, for ever perfect, and a source of infinite joy. When man speaks, God speaks, for man is God's infinite consciousness. "Tht htaring tor, and Iht ming tyt, Iht Lord halh mode tv411 both of Ihem" (Prov. 20: 12).