0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Corns and Callosities


There are no corns, for man is spiritual; man's feet are never too hard, they arc spiritual, the power of concentration on God's ideas; this power is divine and perfect, and always brings man delight and joy. The skin is neVl!r hard, for the skin is the loving action of God which preserves and maintains man's individuality; this preservation of man's individual understanding can never bl." impaired, but remainl! in its eternal integrit y. Thl.'re is nn hardness, God's ideali reflect purity and holiness.  There is no swelling, for all is spiritual and perfect. There is no difficulty in walking, man moves from idea to idea with absolute case, for all activity is the activity of God, unlaboured, sweet and harmonious. (Then work against pain and overgrowth). (Sec BUNIONS).