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Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


People often ask for help for want of concentration, but concentration is not really what they need. Concentration is the term used, when, for instance, one of the Indian miracle workers concentrates on the thing he wants, say a mango tree, and thinks with all his power that there is Ii mango tree there; then it appears. Sometimes it is due to hypnotic . effect, sometimes it is actually materialised. 
What people mean by want of concentration, is that they allow their thoughts to wander when they are trying to think only of the world of reality. What they need, then, is not concentration, but that a perfect sequence of ideas should come to them. The treatment therefore is as follows:- There is no lack of concentration, divine Principle is the Mind of man, and the unbroken continuity of His unfolding ideas gives man spiritual power and peace. lIIan never concentrates on anyone idea, God's ideas unfold to man in perfect sequence and arc re-presented in perfect sequence, for God is the Principle of all law and all order.