0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Company Formation


Thtre is no difficulty in forming nny Company, hecause evtrything is finished, perfcct and completc, sustained by Gud for the purpose of henefiting man. Thcrc arc no delays, everything is done instantly, for God governs all lind wurks by means of man. There arc' no mistakes, for man rc!Jects wisdum, unucrstanding anu kno\\'ledgc. There arc nu misundcrstandings, for (juu is Truth anu man knows Truth .IOU knows instantly everything he needs. Man can never think anything imperfect, for all God's ideas arc perfect, and man knows they are perfect, for man is God's consciousness, by means ofJ which God kl1ows. (Then work for love so that everyone will help. Treat also for supply, both for yourself and for those who are thinking of investing. The chief things to work for however arc love and truth, the latter so that everyone should know the facts).