0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Clergymen, Help for


God's ideas are continually coming to man; man re-presents these ideas, giving his fellow man joy and happiness; he groupll tht: ideas that come to him into glorious combinations, which radiate out in infinitt: Mind, giving infinite beings joy and happiness. Only God's ideas, ideas of Truth, can come to man, and man therefore can re-present only ideas of Truth. 
There are no mistakes, man reflects divine wisdom, intelligence and knowledge; man is absolutely accurate. The ideas of God unfold to man in perfect sequence and man re-presents these ideas with perfect sequence, idea after idea. These ideas are God's ideas, pure, spiritual, divine and holy. "/ mate the fruit of the lips" (Is. 57 : 19). • There is no malice against Truth, man loves Truth, knows Truth and rejoices in Truth, for God is Truth, and there is nothing but God, nothing but Truth. . 
There is no erroneous theology, man is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Tr!1th, and knows Truth and understands Truth.