0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no stoppage, God's ideas pass with absolute unfailing ease LOd regularity. There is no delay, everything passes instantly in Mind LOd at the right time; each idea of God unfolds with unfailing regularity md ease and sweetness. Nothing can obstruct the action of God, for :';od is the Prinicple of all law and all order, "0/1 IhingJ work logt/her for 'fIod" (Rom. 8 : 28). There are no weakened muscles, the muscles are :iod's thought forces, having absolute power and absolute strength, ,lways acting at the right time, reflecting omnipotence. There is no loss )f blood, the blood is the joy that circulates right throughout the :onsciousness i man never loses that joy, that joy 'is always in the ight place, ministering to man and benefiting man. There is no fever, all is purity; 110 high tl'mperature, all is normal; man'!; blood is nl'vcr tnn hOI, man's hlo(m ill the joy that drculatell right throughout the ct)llsciousncss, purc, pcrfect, divine and holy. (Work against fear, weak- ness, sickness, pain, poisoning and matter).