0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Change of Life (Menopause)


There is no change of life, for God is Life, "from everlasling 10 tverla "Iing" (PS.90 : 2), "the Jame yuterday, and 10 day, and for tiler" (Heb 13 : 8). Man is the reflection of God as Life, unchangeable and immortal. There is no matter, all is Spirit and the manifestation of Spirit. There are no material organs, each organ is a reflection of God, working perfectly, working divinely. There are n6 material laws of nature, for man's nature is wholly spiritual; no law that man must pass through a crisis, the one law is the law of God, man is governed by God and by God alone, whose Jaw means absolute peace, absolute harmony. There is no arrest of function, each idea of God is furnished with its individual function, which it exercises unceasingly and eternally, reflecting God continually. 
There is no disturbance, man lives and moves and has his being in God, the Principle of peace and calm; man is the consciousness of God, he is the very peace and the very calm of the eternal God. There is no power in one organ to upset the functions of other organs, God is the only power, and His control is the control of Love, producing perfect peace, perfect harmony and perfect vitality. Every idea of God works in com- plete harmony with every other idea, its activity is shown in perfect service, for it is the activity of Love. There is no change of life, Life is "lIMbmtg6abk and eltr1ll1l" (S. & H. p. 120). There is no profound change in man's being, "All beillg is 61"1IIl/, spiritllal, perf...
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