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Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later
Rheumatism and Rheumatoid Arthritis


There is no rheumatism, man is ever active and energetic; there is no stiffness, man is spiritual, unhampered and free; man is the activity of Love, absolutely unfettered and joyous. There is no poison, man is the reflection of God as Spirit, the Principle of all purity and holiness ; no want of assimilation of the food can form any poison, man is absolutely pure, wholly spiritual. Man’s food is the ideas of God which unfold with absolutely unfailing regularity and arc digested, assimilated, and understood perfectly and rc-prcscntcd, giving man infinite joy and happiness. The understanding and grouping together of these ideas never creates any poison, all is divine; never creates any powder in the system, all is spiritual and perfect; never creates any deposit on the joints, man’s joints move freely, being God’s power of movement, the movement of Mind, working harmoniously, perfectly, divinely at the impulse of Love. “ He shall enter into peace : . . . each one walking in his uprightness " (Is. 57 : 2). (Then take up and work for the different joints that arc affected, by realising, for instance, there is no deposit on the knees, man’s knees arc the power of moving instantly from idea to idea, never giving man pain, giving joy and happiness. There arc no stiffened muscles, man’s muscles arc God’s thought forces, expressing the perfect powers of Mind, governed by the Principle of law and of order. Work against symptoms such as pain.)