0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Frederick L. Rawson


True Prayer
- NA
Treatment or Healing by True Prayer
Part 2
Examples of Applied Treatment
available later


There is no competition, there is only one Mind, God, and man it in that Mind and governed by that one Mind, God, which governs al men perfectly. There is only one will, the will of God, only one purpose one aim, the purpose, the aim of God, and man is always carrying ouf God’s will, for man is the means by which God acts. There are nc separate persons, only one Person, God, no separate selves, man if conscious only of God, the one Self. Each idea in Mind has its owr function to perform, and is infinitely supplied with means for perfeci anil joyous activity. Man never competes, he is the consciousness of infinite abundance, available instantly to all. God’s ideas unfold witl perfect sequence and arc re-presented with perfect sequence. Toi many or too few ideas can never come to man, for God is the Principle of all law and all order. Man is never working against his fellow-man he is always helping his fellow-man, benefiting him, calling his attentior co God’s ideas, for God is Love and man reflects that Love and if absolutely loving towards all.