0.0 – Christian Science Publication Contents

Mary Baker Eddy


1875 & 1910 Textbooks
Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures ~ 1910 Final Ed.
Key to Scriptures
available later
Spinal Disease Healed

Spinal Disease
Spinal Disease

M. H

15	                            SPINAL DISEASE HEALED 

  	    When I first heard of Christian Science, seven years
  	ago, I supposed that it was some old fad under a new
18	name. In the little Texas town where we then lived
  	there were two or three Christian Scientists who met
  	at the home of one of their number to read the Lesson-
21	Sermon. Meeting one of them one day, I asked if un-
  	believers could come to their meetings. She said that
  	they could if they wanted to. I went, expecting them
24	to do something that I could laugh at when telling my
  	friends about it. How surprised I was to find out that
  	they didn't do anything but read the Bible and another
27	book which they called Science and Health. I still
  	thought it all foolishness, but resolved to go to their meet-
  	ings until I found out all they believed. I continued to
30	go until I began to understand a little of what they knew,
 1	not what they believed; and instead of spending my
  	time telling others what a silly thing Christian Science
 3	is, I am now trying to find words to tell what a great
  	and wonderful thing it is. I have been healed of so-
  	called incurable spinal disease of ten years' standing
 6	by studying the Bible and Science and Health. Science
  	and Health has been my only teacher, and I wish to send
  	my thanks to our dear Leader. 
 9	    There are no other Scientists near where we now live,
  	but I have the Quarterly and study the lessons by mys...
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