America Cradle For The Second Coming Of The
Helen Wright

Books by the same Author:
- Mary Baker Eddy: A New Look
- Mary Baker Eddy's Church Manual
& Church Universal & Triumphant
- Mary Baker Eddy: God's Great
Scientist, Vol. I
- Mary Baker Eddy: God's Great
Scientist, Vol. II
- Mary Baker Eddy: God's Great
Scientist, Vol. III
- If Mary Baker Eddy's Manual Were
- America: Cradle for the Second
Coming of the Christ
- Mary Baker Eddy Reveals Your
- Humanity's Divinity
- Made Whole Through Our Marriage To
- Star of Boston: The Life of Mary
Baker Eddy
- Audio cassette series, read by Alan
- Mary Baker Eddy, Leader Forever
(44 page pamphlet) FREE
- Mary Baker Eddy, Leader Forever
(112 page booklet) FREE
- Internet edition
- ©2000 Helen M. Wright
- ISBN 1-886505-20-9
- Book Cover Design by David Keyston and
Elizabeth Zwick
- Title page art by Elizabeth Zwick
The writer of this book is deeply grateful for
those metaphysical giants who have done so much to explain and forward Mary
Baker Eddy's great revelation of the "omnipresence of present perfection" and
the total unreality of evil. These include, among many others, John Doorley and
Max Kappeler, whose work on the "system" of Christian Science is still to be
We owe deep gratitude to David Nolan for his
courageous efforts to free Science and Health in the copyright suit in the
1970s and 1980s and to the Carpenters who preserved many of Mary Baker Eddy's
teachings. Special thanks is also due the Rare Book Company and to Ann Beals'
Bookmark for their grand work in making valuable Christian Science material
Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to my dear friend David
Keyston for his unselfish labor in helping the Mary Baker Eddy Institute put
the works of Mary Baker Eddy on the Internet, including all 432 editions of
Science and Health and her Prose works.
"Historical portions of the Bible are not
more inspired than the history of the United States."
Mary Baker Eddy,
Mind Healing: Historical Sketch
"The spiritual status is urging its highest
demands on mortals, and material history is drawing to a close." Mary Baker
Eddy, No. 45:25
The spiritually minded reader, with
special thanks to Elizabeth Zwick and others who helped produce this book.
Italics not appearing in the original are sometimes used in
quotations, not to emphasize, but to identify that portion of the quote
directly applicable to the point under discussion.
Abbreviations for titles of Mrs. Eddy's writings are
those used in the Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings and Works Other than
Science and Health:
- S&H...Science and Health with Key to the
- Mis...Miscellaneous Writings
- Man...Manual of The Mother Church
- Chr...Christ and Christmas
- Ret...Retrospection and Introspection
- Un...Unity of Good
- Pul...Pulpit and Press
- Rud...Rudimental Divine Science
- No...No and Yes
- Pan...Christian Science versus Pantheism
- '00...Message to The Mother Church, June 1900
- '01...Message to The Mother Church, June 1901
- '02...Message to The Mother Church, June 1902
- Hea... Christian Healing
- Peo...The People's Idea of God
- Po...Poems
- My...The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and
Abbreviations for the books of the Bible are those
generally accepted.
Abbreviations for other books include:
- EOF---Essays and Other Footprints.
- DCC---Divinity Course and General Collectanea.
- Six Days---Mary Baker Eddy's Six Days of Revelation
The three above books were compiled by Richard Oakes.
Foreword xii
1 |
Love for God and Man Advanced
Civilization |
1 |
The Magna Charta, 1215 |
2 |
What Made Progress
Possible? |
3 |
Columbus: The Impulsion
Behind His Voyage |
4 |
Europe Challenges Church
Practices |
6 |
America the New World the
Only Place for Dissenters |
7 |
9 |
Puritans Become Pilgrims |
9 |
Pilgrims Leave Holland |
10 |
Farewell to England |
11 |
The Crossing |
12 |
Land! |
14 |
The Mayflower Compact |
15 |
The Vision of the
Pilgrims |
6 |
The Pilgrims Land |
19 |
The Bitter First Winter |
21 |
Samoset and Squanto |
22 |
The First Thanksgiving |
23 |
The New England
Federation |
25 |
28 |
"God Works in Mysterious
Ways"The Great Awakening |
28 |
The Declaration of
Independence |
29 |
Memoirs of Major Ben
Tallmadge |
31 |
Valley Forge |
33 |
"The Event is in the Hands of
God" |
35 |
38 |
The Stormy Constitutional
Convention: How |
13 |
Colonies Became the United
States |
38 |
Horrendous Obstacles Had to
be Overcome |
39 |
How God Used the
Delegates |
43 |
Heroic Forbearance
Characterized |
Our Founding Fathers |
44 |
A Foundation for Future
Generations |
45 |
Protecting Our Religious
Heritage |
47 |
The Constitution Has Stood
the Test of Time |
49 |
God's Constitution |
50 |
52 |
Washington's Inaugural
Address |
52 |
The Establishment of
Congress |
54 |
Saul Pett's Short History of
Congress |
56 |
The Covered Wagons Roll |
64 |
Ingrained Trust of Pioneers
Readied Nation for Christian Science |
65 |
68 |
Abraham Lincoln's
Addresses |
69 |
The Battle of Gettysburg |
71 |
General McClellan's
Vision |
72 |
"Liberty and Justice for
All" |
77 |
Slavery's Abolition Clears
the Way |
79 |
Christian Science Sounds THE
Keynote of Universal Freedom |
82 |
The Long Wait is Over |
82 |
Why There Had to be a
United States of America |
84 |
Liberty and Love |
85 |
There is Only One Power |
86 |
What Conclusion Should We
Arrive At? |
87 |
Dispelling the Illusion |
88 |
We Must Know the Truth That
Frees |
89 |
What Makes Evil, Error
Vanish? |
90 |
Christian Science Restores
Our True Mind |
91 |
Belief in Two Powers Caused
Suffering |
92 |
Mankind's Struggle for
Freedom |
94 |
Mankind's Misconception of
What Sin Is |
95 |
Man Governed By His Creator
is Self-Governed |
97 |
99 |
Advancement Comes Through
Enlightenment |
99 |
"I Live; Yet Not I, But
Christ Liveth in Me" |
101 |
Our Consciousness is the
Invisible Substance of All That Appears |
103 |
Our Consciousness and God's
Consciousness Are the Same in Reality |
104 |
109 |
Truth and Love Uncovers
Hidden Evil |
109 |
What America Needs |
111 |
The "Third and Last
Struggle" |
113 |
The Most Imminent
Dangers |
115 |
The Qualities That Can Save a
Nation |
117 |
119 |
The Christ, Not Man, Guides
Our Destiny |
121 |
Heeding the "Still Small
Voice" |
123 |
There is But One "I" |
124 |
Becoming Infinite Good's
Instrument |
125 |
The Meaning of the Fight for
Women's Liberation |
128 |
What Did Jesus Teach? |
129 |
Birth and Death Are
Illusion |
131 |
Ecclesiasticism Resists
Jesus' Teachings |
133 |
"Separation of Church and
State" Vital |
135 |
Religious Freedom Under
Attack |
136 |
Early Colonists, Civil
Government, and the Bible |
139 |
The Democratic Concept Under
Attack |
140 |
Each Individual Has the
Stature of Christ |
142 |
George Washington's Vision at
Valley Forge |
143 |
"The Manual Will Save
the Cause." |
146 |
149 |
120 Years of Christian
Science Instruction |
149 |
The Christian Science
Solution is Critical to Humanity's Survival |
151 |
Mary Baker Eddy Cited for
Patriotism |
153 |
Mary Baker Eddy and the
Monroe Doctrine |
154 |
Our Divine Potential |
155 |
Human Consciousness is Being
Prepared |
156 |
The Constitution Bulwarks
Advancing Christian Science |
158 |
America's Religious History
"Inspired" |
159 |
Individual Freedom as a
Spiritual Experience |
160 |
How This Nation Will Fulfill
Its Purpose |
161 |
"Go in and Possess the
Land" |
162 |
The Vision of Julia Ward
Howe |
163 |
165 |
Christian Science Lifts Human
Consciousness into the Millennium |
165 |
The Textbook is Within Our
Consciousness |
166 |
A Mist Went Up |
168 |
The Manual was
Divinely Dictated |
170 |
Disobedience to Mrs. Eddy's
Manual Brought Plagues |
170 |
"Organization Wars with
Love's Spiritual Compact" |
172 |
175 |
"Let the Word Have Free
Course and be Glorified" |
175 |
The Deeds of Trust Speak for
Mrs. Eddy Today |
177 |
Vindication of Mrs. Eddy's
Deeds of Trust Will Usher in a Renaissance |
178 |
The Hour Has Struck |
180 |
Think of What We Have to be
Grateful For! |
180 |
When Will We Awake? |
186 |
Just Be Love |
188 |
When this book was first published in 1987, on the 200th
anniversary of our Constitution, Christian Scientists in particular had reason
to be grateful. Without the Constitution and Bill of Rights there would have
been no place on this planet where Christian Science could have gained a
foothold. Until America was prepared, and our Bill of Rights guaranteed
religious freedom, there was no nation that would have protected Mary Baker
Eddy and enabled her to found Christian Science in human consciousness.
Today, as the 200th anniversary of our Godinspired
Constitution makes way for the 2000th anniversary of the advent of Christ
Jesus, it is especially appropriate to consider how the founding of the United
States set the stage for the second coming of the Christ.
Mrs. Eddy, after giving a short history of her life as it
was lived before her discovery of Christian Science, wrote:
It is well to know, dear reader, that our material,
mortal history is but the record of dreams, not of man's real existence, and
the dream has no place in the Science of being.... The heavenly intent of
earth's shadows is to chasten the affections, to rebuke human consciousness and
turn it gladly from a material, false sense of life and happiness, to spiritual
joy and true estimate of being.
The awakening from a false sense of life, substance and
mind in matter, is as yet imperfect.... The mortal life battle still wages, and
must continue till its involved errors are vanquished by victory
bringing Science; but this triumph will come! God is
over all. He [the kingdom of God within our spiritual consciousness] alone is
our origin, aim, and being. The real man is not of the dust, nor is he ever
created through the flesh; for his father and mother are the one Spirit, and
his brethren are all the children of one parent, the eternal good" (Ret.
"True history is the record of the development in the human
consciousness of a truer idea of God and man." This is the history the author
attempts to unfold in these pages.
"The human footsteps leading to perfection are
indispensable" (S&H 254:1). Running through this book, America:
Cradle for the Second Coming of the Christ, is the human history of the
United States of Americashowing the indispensable human footsteps leading up to
the moment of humanity's arousal from its long slumber in the Adam dream.
These human footsteps illustrate the ethics of Truth. They
show what America is, what it stands for spiritually, as the outward evidence
of man's individual oneness with God. They reveal that America is not just a
nation bounded by oceans on the east and west; America stands for the spiritual
idea everywhere present. Only on the solid rock of this spiritual
idea could infinite good lay the foundation for the city foursquare, our
understanding of the kingdom of God within our Mind.
The prophecy of America dates back thousands of years. The
Bible shows that Great Britain and America fulfill the prophecy of God's
latter-day Israel, as Mannaseh and Ephraim, Joseph's two sons. Mrs. Eddy's poem
regarding Britain and America, "United States to Great Britain," identifies
Britainthe only royal throne left in the worldas "Judah's sceptered race." The
birthright promise made to Ephraim, Joseph's younger son, is fulfilled in the
"company of nations" later revealed as the United States. (See pages 34-58 of
Paul Smillie's book, Mary Baker Eddy: The Historical and Prophetic
Doubtless, it was part of the fulfillment of this prophecy
that this nation was not named "Columbus" or "Columbia," but "America." Some
historians trace this name to the mapmaker, Amerigo Vespucci. Others believe
the name AmERICa was already in use by native Americans, a
reference to Norse explorer Leif Ericson, who reached the coast of North
America in 1000 or 1003AD, shortly after his conversion to
Historians agree that old Scandinavian literature bears out
the indisputable fact that Leif Ericson's discovery of America resulted in its
subsequent colonization by the Norse. An article entitled "America" from
Norse Words explains:
Thereafter, the "western land" was known among the
Norsemen as America, in honor of the family name "Eric," of its discoverer,
Leif Ericson. The prefix is derived from the Norse word, "Amt," meaning "A
country or province under rulership."
The Norse called the western world "Land of Eric"
(Amt-Erica), or "America." A writer in the Kansas City Times (and quoted in the
New York Sun and Globe) brings out this circumstance in the following
Ask any old Indian medicine man what was the name of
this country before the white man came, and he will invariably say "Amaroke."
This has been written in no book for him, has not been drilled into his mind by
any white man, but has been handed down from generation to generation . . . The
antiquity of the name is so established, that it can never for a moment be
assumed that Vespucius brought this name to America, when, in truth and in
fact, by all the evidence, he took it from America.
The Icelandic literature and history are so little
known to the public, and the Latin culture and propaganda have been so
zealously spread, that the truth regarding America's name, and its discovery by
Leif Ericson, in the year 1000, has been covered, and almost entirely kept out
of sight.
It was inevitable that this land should be named America.
The very name "America" was an intentional part of infinite good's plan.
But why?
Mrs. Velva Odland and Mrs. Lois Stoneman distinctly recall
their teacher, Mildred LeBlond, C.S.B., an authority on America and on the
ancient derivation of word meanings, informing their class that the root of the
word "America" means the second coming of the Christ!
Scriptural prophecy of the central role the United States of
America would play in this event occurs in Revelation 12:14: "To the woman [the
Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science] were given two wings of a great
eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place,
where she was nourished....from the face of the serpent [the great red
Spiritually interpreted, the "great eagle" represents that
which flies above the storm, above illusion and error. The eagle is also a
symbol for the United States of America, a nation carved out of the
"wilderness," a "place" which would "nourish" Mary Baker Eddy. With the two
wings of the great eagleunderstanding and
demonstrationMrs. Eddy would soar above the illusions, above the
material sense of the world.
Another compelling prophecy linking America to the second
coming of the Christ is even older; it was made in stone nearly fortysix
centuries ago with the building of the great Pyramid of Gizeh. Dr. Worth Smith
informs us that "Gizeh," from the root Jizeh, means "the Man of God in
Us." The word "Pyramid" comes from "pyr am us" or "pyr em us," which
interpreted means "Far Resplendent Fire" or "Far Resplendent Light."
Scholars, deciphering root meanings, note that "The
Geometrical Expression of Divine Revelation" (the Pyramid, meaning in the
ultimate: a "Beacon of Reflections," or a "Monument of Measures") was built by
"Heavenly Light" (Suphis) upon the foundation of "The Man of God in Us"
Jeremiah 32:1820 states: "The Great, the Mighty God...hast
set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day." Indestructible
through the ages, the Great Pyramid has stood, a witness in stone to all
humanity, that "the man of God in us," meaning the Christ, has always been
present to show forth "the omnipresence of present perfection;" that God's or
infinite good's reflection is without beginning or end. It stands as a reminder
that what is called "man" has never been separated from God, the Mind of
"For other foundation can no man lay
than that is laid which is Jesus Christ"1st Cor., 3:11.

The "rejected stone" finds its resting
place on the "Bible in stone"
the Great Pyramid and its divine prophetic
The Great Seal of the United States of America (shown on the
following page) came forth at the time of the Revolutionary War. It must have
been a radiant flash of divine inspiration, since in 1776 nothing whatever was
known to mortals regarding the prophetic or scientific features of the Great
Above the pyramidpictured unfinished, just as
it was left in Egyptis poised its missing apexan illuminated
triangle dissolving in a blaze of light. In the heart of the triangle is an
open eye, representing the "AllSeeing Eye" of the one Mind, "the kingdom
of God within" our spiritual consciousness.

Some license prevailing in the interpretation of the two
mottoes of the Great Seal, the inscriptions read: "He (God) has favored our
undertakings," or "He (God) has prospered our beginning." "Novus Ordo Seclorum"
equals "A mighty order of the ages lives anew," or "An
ancient order is born again."
The pyramid, with its capstone suspended above it in a halo
of glory, symbolizes the crowning of the Scriptures with the Christian Science
textbook (and other writings of Mary Baker Eddy.)
Mary Baker Eddy herself, describing Christian Science, the
miracle of the ages, likened it to the Great Pyramid:
We are in the midst of a revolution; physics are
yielding slowly to metaphysics; mortal mind rebels at its own boundaries; weary
of matter, it would catch the meaning of Spirit. The only immortal structure is
built on Truth; her modest tower rises slowly, but it stands and is the miracle
of the hour, though it may seem to the age like the great pyramid of Egypt,a
miracle in stone. (Hea. 11:6)
Divine prophecy was fulfilled when the Biblical "headstone"
was symbolically placed on the Holy Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Truly we can
say, "Despise not prophecy." (For fuller information on this subject see the
author's "Appendix" to her book, Mary Baker Eddy: A New Look.)
As we turn to mortal history and see why"the human
footsteps leading to perfection are indispensable," we will become
aware that when America is understood spiritually it will be seen to
be Christian Science, the law of God, which can be defined as
"the omnipresence of present perfection." We will see that behind what looked
to mortals like the discovery and settling of America was always the one Mind,
God. Though invisible, it was everpresent, guiding, leading, imparting vision,
will, wisdom, as Jesus' prophecy concerning the "Comforter"the second coming of
the Christwas being fulfilled.
As Mind urged forward the heroes who are the subject of this
book, the path behind them was "with glory crowned." As we pursue their
ventures we will see the Principle, God, showing Itself forth in examples of
Its infinite ability to create love in the hearts of menlove that urged them to
act in the cause of justice, mercy, and Christianity.
In this book when we speak of "America," it is never to
localize it, but to reveal God's everywhere present,
wonderful America universal, triumphant, and fulfilling Mind's already existing
Law, which is Christian Science. "Christian Science [and thus its
manifestation in God's everywherepresent America] is more than 200 years old...
It is as old as God, although it's earthly advent is called the Christian era"
(Mess. '01. 24:19).
When we speak of the Constitution of the United States with
its Bill of Rights, and the religiouslibertyprotection it gave to Mary Baker
Eddy in founding Christian Science in America, it must be remembered that Truth
or Christian Science may indeed sponsor a document, but the document (the
Constitution) cannot produce or predate the LAW (Christian
Science). Rightly understood, the 1787 document called the Constitution is a
concrete example of everlasting fundamental law, which could not be, of course,
unless Law (Christian Science) were already in place.
When the laws of God are understood it will be perceived
that there is one spiritual Nation, one spiritual State, universal and
triumphant; and that "one infinite God, good, unifies men and nations;
constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, 'Love thy
neighbor as thyself'; annihilates pagan and Christian idolatrywhatever is wrong
in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the
sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be
punished or destroyed" (S&H 340:23).
All through this book we will find illustrations of the
Principle which is always at work behind the scenes, and is always the reality
behind the symbol. "The spiritual idea must have its visible expression, its
incarnation, or else Christian Science is only abstraction." For example, Mary
Eddy Baker gave the full and correct definition of Church, which begins with
the statement: "Church [is] the structure of Truth and Love"
(S&H 583:12). She then illustrated it with a building and certain
activities in Boston. The materialistoblivious of his true spiritual being,
that his own real Mind is Truth and Love, "the kingdom of God within" his
consciousness thinks the buildingandactivities is church and that
mortals must be coaxed into that church or deservedly perish.
In this book we will endeavor to make it clear that America,
seen in its true identity, is not localized. It is a spiritual, universal
idea, representing the love of God encircling the universe and
man. "When will mankind awaken to their present ownership of all good?" There
is no division of estate; just as in mathematics when we know the principle, we
have allof math, no division of estate.
America: Cradle for the Second Coming of the Christ
explores the inspired history of the United States which divine Love has
brought to pass. It reveals certain of the pertinent "human footsteps leading
to perfection" which have already been taken, and which were, and will continue
to be, indispensable in bringing the glorious Science of being into daily
In pursuing the saga of suffering and misery that seemed to
accompany the epic deeds of this book's heroes as they took the
indispensable "human footsteps leading to perfection" (S&H
254:1), we find allegory, dreams, claims to be the only correct worshippers,
"cried-out-unto-the-Lords," "forsook-the-Lords," etc. All of these make an
interesting compilation, but they could have done no more "than can moonbeams
to melt a river of ice," had not the one universal Spirit, the one Mind,
and the laws of God been the leading and guiding light.
Because of the grave danger that today threatens the human
sense of America, the author has not neglected to sound a warning in this book
in accordance with Mrs. Eddy's instruction:
Many are willing to open the eyes of the people to the
power of good resident in divine Mind, but they are not so willing to point out
the evil in human thought, and expose evil's hidden mental ways of
accomplishing requires the spirit of our blessed Master to tell
a man his faults, and so risk human displeasure for the sake of doing right and
benefiting the race....[Therefore] designate those as unfaithful stewards who
have seen the danger and yet have given no warning" (S&H
The America that became the cradle for the second coming of
the Christ, the America which had been prophesied for thousands of years, is
God's grand Americaspiritual, universal, triumphant and fulfilling Mind's
alreadyexisting Law which is Christian Science. This America always existed,
but to become aware of it, humanity must take the indispensable "human
footsteps leading to perfection."
As these footsteps unfold let us not lose sight of the
spiritual fact that "our mortal material history is but the record of dreams,
not of man's real existence.... [and that] the heavenly intent of earth's
shadows is to chasten the affections, to rebuke human consciousness and turn it
gladly from a material, false sense of life and happiness, to spiritual joy and
true estimate of being" (Ret. 21:13).
AMERICA book sections
Foreword |
I | II |
III | IV |
V | VI |
IX | X |
XI | XII |
XIII | Conclusion |
Bibliography |