The Stone The Builders
Moderator: On
December 1, 1910, Mrs. Eddy went for her last drive. When she
returned she asked for her writing pad. On it she wrote what
would be her last written message to the world, namely, “God is
my life.”
Sally, I understand Dorothy Napkie loaned you a book by
Fernand E. d'Humy, Mary Baker
Eddy Fulfills Prophecy, in which he records how through
divine inspiration he was led to see a deep meaning in those
last four words. Would you give us a brief review of what d'Humy
tells, which is so remarkable since he knew nothing of the
“system” of Christian Science. He was a physical scientist of
international reputation. He was Research director for the
Western Union Telegraph Company.
“God is my life” (d'Humy's
Sally: Regarding
“God is my life,” d'Humy says, substantially:
These were significant words which she could have uttered
orally had she chosen to do so; but no, their importance was too
great to trust them to the memory of her hearers. These words
were to be preserved for future generations. They expressed a
precise statement. An oral expression of her four words might be
regarded as an incidental remark and not register on its hearers
any more seriously than would casual conversation.
Never before had Mary made a direct statement about herself
which intimately united her with the Supreme Power and in a
manner which denoted the verity of the work which was wrought
through this association. We have seen how she consistently
shrank from personal credit for her work and always emphasized
that the truth she gave to the world came direct from God,
divine Mind. But here was a statement which would make clear for
all time the impersonal verity of Christian Science and its
divine ordination.
....The work she had performed was God's, divine Mind’s, and
His alone. She was only the medium through whom He, Principle,
Love, worked. It was important that the world remember this
truth in all future generations because to do so would
strengthen faith in the Source and purpose of her divine
With these thoughts in mind, how could Mary have helped being
impelled to leave a final word which would prove to the world
that what she had delivered was unmistakably an important part
of an over-all pattern in which the Holy Scriptures held the
central place? Clearly it was essential that irrefutable
evidence be given.
Asking for a writing pad, in itself, gave evidence of a
definite purpose, that Mary desired to write down something for
future reference...The message was concise, composed of four
short words having a total of eleven letters in all. These
numbers had a purpose of their own and this purpose would be
revealed in later years. [Remember Mrs. Eddy's illustrated poem,
Christ and Christmas, has eleven pictures, the first seven
corresponding to Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life Truth, and
Love; the last four corresponding to Word, Christ, Christianity,
and Science. Also those of us who are familiar with the system
in the textbook know that the Science in it rests on the seven
synonymous terms for God, and the four mediums—Word, Christ,
Christianity, and Science—through which the seven synonyms or
elements of God are expressed. The Bible too when seen in the
light of Christian Science is entirely composed of these eleven
Because of the brevity of the message there
was danger of its importance being overlooked. To insure against
this, these four words should stand alone on a single sheet with
nothing to distract from them.
At no time must it be overlooked that Mary's
writings were divinely revealed to her. This she repeatedly
emphasized so that there be no misunderstanding. Therefore, it
is certain that her four last written words were also written
through divine revelation.
....All through Science and Health with Key
to the Scriptures there radiates the significance of this
memorable sentence, God is my life. Its meaning is woven into
page after page. It is there for everyone to see who reads
understandingly. [Mrs. Eddy could also have said, God is my God,
or God is my Truth, or any other truthful statement, but they
would not have had the chosen number of letters, nor would they
have conveyed exactly what she wanted to convey.]
....The word “is” implies an ever-presence
with no beginning and no ending. God had always been her life,
was now her life, and forever would be her life. Mary was God's
expression on earth and this expression led to the unfoldment of
Christian Science. This Science always was, just as the law of
mathematics always existed and will always exist in the ever
present is. Like all else, it had no beginning and will have no
ending. Through this two-letter word, Mary denoted the
permanency of Christian Science.
Like Jesus, Mrs. Eddy could have comforted
them with, “For I have given unto them the words which Thou
gavest me: and they have received them, and have known surely
that I came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou
didst send me” (John 17:8).
But Mrs. Eddy reduced her last message to the
simplest expression which contained an all-comprehensive meaning
of her life's work…The absence of a period at the end of God
is my life may be
interpreted as denoting that the four words, while complete in
their meaning, shall be considered in the broadest sense,
namely, without limitations, without termination, eternal. Like
the law of mathematics, its meaning was always there and always
will be in the future.
.…From the foregoing we see how the legacy by
which she endowed the world was concisely expressed in four
short words having a total of no more and no less than eleven
What do these numbers point to? d'Humy gave a
long explanation of the meaning of each word showing how
carefully Mrs. Eddy had chosen it and no other for this last
message…Every word carries weight, even the absence of
punctuation is significant. The use of four words, no more no
less, and eleven letters to make up the four words, could not be
without purpose. These words were the last to be written and
like all that Mary wrote were written through divine revelation.
They must be so regarded, and therefore carefully examined.
....Mary truly was an apostle of God. In her
consciousness of this she desired that it be made known and
proved to future generations that Christian Science was
authentically given by God. Therefore let us seek for a further
and final proof of this divine authority, a proof supported by
the Scriptures. None other will convince the world!
....Why should these four words containing
eleven letters be given attention and serious thought? Because
they are Mary's last written words which were divinely revealed
to her. We must seek and find; knock and the door will open.
There can be only one door through which to enter—the one which
leads to the pages of the Holy Scriptures.
....Because all through her life Mary
emphasized Love, it is logical that we search the New Testament
for the secret unfolded in the two sets of divine numbers. . .
This work of hers clearly was an act of an Apostle. Accordingly,
we should look for the disclosure we seek in that noble book of
the New Testament—The Acts of the Apostles. Therein is revealed
in Chapter 4 (four words), Verse 11 (eleven letters):
“This is the stone which was set at nought
of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.”
Now, in the year 1953 A.D. it is revealed that
Mary Baker Eddy, by the number of words and the numbers of
letters contained in her divine sentence:
God is my life
pointed to:
The Acts of the Apostles
Chapter 4 (four words), Verse 11 (eleven letters).
The soundness of the reasoning which leads to
The Acts of The Apostles is plainly confirmed by the product
obtained from the two numbers of the cryptogram. This product,
forty-four, gives the sequential position of the book, The Acts
of The Apostles, in the King James version of the Holy Bible.
Thus the decoding of the cryptogram is complete and
This illuminating disclosure led d'Humy to
see that the capstone of the Great Pyramid was a symbol for “the
stone which the builders rejected”—the stone which Mary Baker
Eddy did not reject.
He feels that in this disclosure we have
Biblical evidence that Science and Health with Key to the
Scriptures is authentically given by God. All evidence, all
history, all scientific research relating to the divine meaning
and purpose of the Great Pyramid, compel the acceptance of this
truth. The Holy Scriptures came to us as the Word of God. This
has been unqualifiedly accepted by all who believe in Deity, in
the one God-Mind who created and governs all, the same one-God
who caused to be erected a great monument in stone [“the great
pyramid of Egypt—a miracle in stone” (Hea. 11:12)]
which would endure through the centuries so future generations
would find an enduring confirmation of the authenticity of the
Holy Scriptures. That is why the Great Pyramid of Gizeh has
reverently been named the “Bible in Stone.” Its incomparable
construction was divinely inspired and there were no details
from its foundations up, or as to its location in Egypt and
orientation on this earth's globe, which came with the learning
or capabilities of man alone to evolve except by the guidance of
a Supreme Power.
....Of this Pyramid, Jeremiah (32:19, 20)
writes: “Great in counsel....which hast set signs and wonders in
the land of Egypt, even unto this day, . . . and hast made Thee
a name, as at this day.”
The Great Monument
Without a Capstone
The great Monument, for nearly five thousand
years, has stood without a headstone—the “head of the corner,”
silently and symbolically awaiting the completion or crowning of
the Holy Scriptures. The Bible like the Pyramid, would not be
complete until a textbook was added which would unify its pages
into a comprehensive lesson which would aid man in overcoming
his many vicissitudes. [The stone which the builders rejected is
referred to seven times in the Bible. Mrs. Eddy also refers to
it many times.] It was to her textbook Mrs. Eddy was pointing in
the cryptogram she wrote two days before she departed this
mortal world. That this cryptogram was divinely revealed to her
there cannot be any question or doubt. A message of such import
could have come in no other way.
The Pyramid with its headstone suspended
above it in a halo of glory symbolizes the crowning of the
Scriptures with the Christian Science textbook…
prophecy was perfectly fulfilled when the biblical Headstone was
symbolically placed on the Holy Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Thus we can truly say, “Despise not prophecy.”
“God is my life” is telling us that we can
never rise from the temporal debris of error, belief in sin,
sickness, and death until we learn that God is the only Life.
Spirit will have overcome the flesh when the belief that life
and sensation are in the body is overcome by the understanding
of what constitutes man as the image of God. (See 289:2.)
With the coming of Science
and Health which
placed the capstone on the Bible, a material life-basis has been
seen to be a misapprehension of existence. The sacred and true
knowledge the textbook contains transforms the material with the
ideal, and human thought frees itself from self-imposed
materiality and bondage.
Margie: As
material history draws to a close, we see the spiritual, in
every direction, urging its highest demands on mortals (No.
45:25). As these demands are accepted and implemented “the whole
earth will be transformed by Truth on its pinions of light,
chasing away the darkness of error” (191:13).
Moderator: In Pulpit
and Press (10:16)
Mrs. Eddy asks us if we have planted our “standard on the rock
of Christ, the true, the spiritual idea—the chief cornerstone in
the house of our God”—and then assures us that, as Jesus
prophesied, “The
stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head
of the corner” .
. . Let us rejoice that the chill vicissitudes have not withheld
the timely shelter of this house, which descended like
day-spring from on high.”
What comes “from on high”—the capstone—is Love,
the descending city foursquare, or consciousness where we start
every thought from God. Then “How is man, seen through the lens
of Spirit, enlarged, and how counterpoised his origin from dust,
and how he presses toward his original, never severed from
Spirit! O ye who leap disdainfully from this rock of ages,
return and plant [your] steps in Christ, Truth, 'the stone
which the builders rejected'! Then
will angels administer grace, do thy errands, and be thy dearest
allies” (My. 129:15).
Oneness of Manhood and
Francie: Mary
Baker Eddy's presentation of womanhood, Love, and the founding
of it in human consciousness, was the “capstone.” Mrs. Eddy
brought from on high the stone which the builders had rejected;
she lowered it into place on the foundations laid by Jesus, his
apostles and the holy men of the Bible. These foundations Mrs.
Eddy presents in the first twelve chapters of Science and Health
in fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecy (31:22), “A woman shall
compass a man.”
Tina: Isn't
it a fact that the stone which the builders rejected could not
become the headstone of the corner until manhood and womanhood
had become one, as qualities—as two individual natures in one
compound spiritual individuality?
Margie: Yes,
the true capstone is spiritual divinely scientific consciousness
in which manhood and womanhood are one as the image and likeness
of the one God. That is the Principle, Love. There can be but
one whole complete image and likeness of one God. This the
“builders” have always rejected. Mrs. Eddy has now revealed the
capstone as the oneness of manhood and womanhood, and it is
accepted by spiritually minded students the world over. This
true sense of Love—Love wedded to its own spiritual idea—will
destroy forever the physical plagues imposed by material sense.
Billy: Could
someone put in very simple terms what this analogy is concerning
the Great Pyramid and its rejected capstone, and the Bible with
its rejected “cornerstone”?
Francie: The
Great Pyramid referred to as the Bible in Stone had its
foundation completed, but its capstone was rejected. In a
similar way, allegorically speaking, the Bible had its
foundation well laid but as in the case of the Great Pyramid,
its headstone or capstone had been rejected.
Billy: What
specifically was it that “the builders” rejected?
Francie: They
rejected their divine Principle, Love. This means they rejected
man's divine origin, his oneness with his divine Principle,
Love, which in essence means manhood and womanhood one, in a
divinely united spiritual consciousness.
Billy: Why
do you think they rejected it?
Cross: Surrender of
Francie: Because
in order to understand our incorporeal divinity we must lay down
the mortal. Without the cross of giving up the mortal there can
be no crown, no capstone. Love, the capstone, is won only
through the cross. “All have the cup of sorrowful effort to
drink in proportion to their demonstration of His Love till all
are redeemed through divine Love” (26:7). This deep note of
sorrowful effort sounds again and again beneath the triumphant
affirmations of Science. Mrs. Eddy's own “gracious preparation”
was a series of disasters, humanly seen. The “builders” want to
escape the laying down of the mortal.
Mrs. Eddy chose the cross and crown as the
emblem for Christian Science because it symbolizes that without
the crucifixion of the mortal viewpoint there can be no crown, no
capstone. The
crown can be won in no other way than through continuing to
“pour in truth through floodtides of Love”—love for the
spiritual. Everything Mrs. Eddy wrote or spoke revealed her
commitment to the Christian ethic of love—love for her fellowman and
love for her enemies. Since the publication of Science and
Health the world's commitment to the Christian ethic of love for
one's fellowman has steadily grown, “for the world feels the
alterative effect of truth through every pore” (224:2).
Grace: So
the Bible writers took the Great Pyramid whose capstone had been
rejected as a symbol of the Holy Scriptures which were also
incomplete and were awaiting the second coming of Jesus, in his
femininity, in order that God might be represented in His
fullness, i.e. in both his masculine and his feminine nature.
Bessie: Could
you repeat very simply what the capstone symbolizes?
Left for Mrs. Eddy to
Grace: Yes,
it symbolizes Mrs. Eddy encompassing mission. Hers was a
“descending” mission. This simply means that she showed us how
to start every thought from God. She did this by explaining the
Principle of man's being, the same divine Principle Jesus was
using to calculate with when he fed the five thousand, raised
the dead, walked on the water—the same Principle and rule he was
using in the tomb when he effected “his mighty, crowning,
unparalleled, and triumphant exit from the flesh” (117:21).
Moderator: d'Humy
says, “Enter the home of any Christian Scientist and there upon
the table you will see the Bible, and upon that Holy Book there
will rest Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.“ For
other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is
Jesus Christ—1st Cor.,
iii II. “What a reminder this is of the 'rejected stone' at long
last finding its resting place on the 'Bible in stone'—the Great
Pyramid and its divine prophetic message.”
The Consciousness of
The holy city, that spiritual divinely
scientific consciousness, the “capstone,” comes “down from God
out of heaven” (Rev. 21:2) as an ever present divine Principle
with which we can calculate; and this assures us that our
foundations too have been laid in heaven, for like produces
We lay our foundation in heaven when we start
with Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life Truth, and Love. Other
foundations there are none, since the starting point of divine
Science is that God, Spirit, is All-in-all....that God is Love,
and therefore He is divine Principle” (275:6). Love is a circle
that has no starting-point. Thus Christ is one whole body, “in
whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into an holy
temple in the Lord” (Eph. 2:21). This “holy temple in the Lord”
is the consciousness of Love, and is why Mrs. Eddy, like Jesus,
could say, “Lo, I am with you always.” Love is the capstone Mary
Baker Eddy lowered onto biblical foundations.