Daily Thoughts by Mary Baker Eddy Institute ~ Index

Daily Thoughts ~ Mary Baker Eddy Institute ~ Index                               240926

Mother’s Evening Prayer Susan Mack MP3 Index


1. Daniel Prayed 3x/day
2. Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 3x/day
3. Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 12x/day
4. Theme of the day
5. Secret to Healing ~ Article by Mary Baker Eddy
6. Purpose of the day
1. Daniel Prayed 3x/day 
Daniel prayed three times a day in spite of knowing he would likely be thrown into the Lion's Den for doing so.  [Daniel 6:10]

2. Mary Baker Eddy Prayed 3x/day  
In response to an article in the Zion's Herald of March 18, 1885 stating that Mary Baker Eddy was 'prayerless', she responded as follows:

Three times a day, I retire to seek the divine blessing on the sick and sorrowing, with my face toward the Jerusalem of Love and Truth, in silent prayer to the Father which 'seeth in secret,' and with childlike confidence that He will reward 'openly.' In the midst of depressing care and labor I turn constantly to divine Love for guidance, Show all
Reverse Date Order

Daily Thoughts ~ Index 

# Date Day Reference Daily Thoughts
# Date Day Reference Daily Thoughts
1 240926 Thursday MBEI
Divine Principle ~ The structure and system of divine principle as applied to a particular goal include the following strategy and tactics: 
1. Define the objective Show all
2 240925 Wednesday MBEI
Evil vs Truth   ~ How Evil & Truth Operate?  
Cleanse consciousness of Evil to Let Truth enter
All Thought, Speech & Action ~ Devote Show all
3 240923 Monday MBEI Pray for America – not a person but for the qualities that America is supposed to represent. Freedom, Goodness, Beauty, Law, Order, Protection from injustice. Claim the fact is true that God gave America to those that cherish these qualities & no amount of evil & enslave God’s children which is each & every one of us. Evil can never win again Good, God.
4 240922 Sunday MBEI Everything ALWAYS goes better when one [1] Loves God with everything one has. [2] Loves one’s neighbor as oneself. [3] Observes where the need is and meets it [4] Intelligently gives at least 10% of everything one has [5] Does everything possible anonymously
5 240921 Saturday MBEI Success depends on IF God is permitted to participate AND What one does: [1] Before one starts the project. [2] After one starts the project. [3] After one gets knocked down. [4] If one gets back up [5] After one gets back up, if they do.
6 240920 Friday MBEI [NOTE: Apply to each good action] [1] Protect it by affirming that it is protected by divine Love. [2] Affirm it is for the benefit of all mankind. [3] Nothing can interfere with its effectiveness. [4] Nothing can dilute, deflect, stop, reverse the good that is inherent therein.
7 240919 Thursday MBEI There is and there can be NO WAR. There is only one Mind and that is the intelligent Mind of God.
[NOTE: Devote specific time to focus on this & affirm this during the idle moments.]
8 240915 Sunday MBEI [1] Choose a thought at the beginning of the day that comes to you. [2] Use idle moments for contemplation. [NOTE: Contemplating God-like thoughts = Getting closer to God.]
9 240909 Monday MBEI Evil psych-op ~ Must always Un-Mask in order to expose ~ Then it can be destroyed ~ See Science & Health Chpt 5