Letter Number Eight, January 25, 1998 See the questionnaire below.

"The effort of disloyal students to blacken me and to keep my works from public recognition...has been made too many times...for me to fear it.... I have neither the time nor inclination to be continually pursuing a lie....Therefore I ask the help of others in this matter" (My. 130:7)


These Mary Baker Eddy Letters seek to answer our revered Leader's call for help. Education is the key and each of our readers is an important part of that effort. Thank you for your letters of support. They show your love for Mary Baker Eddy, and allow an ever more expanded and intensified education of what Mary Baker Eddy intended for the Christian Science movement.

Today the final count-down to the realization of our oneness with God, infinite good, has begun. It actually began with the Second Coming of the Christ when Mary Baker Eddy wrote and published Science and Health in 1875. She thus fulfilled Jesus' prophecy and promise of the "Comforter," that would explain how we, like Jesus, can overcome all the illusions that the five physical senses constantly delude and deluge us with. Through our Leader's revelation we find heaven right here on earth-and find evil and error to be unreal, to be merely hypnotic suggestion.

When someone asked Mrs. Eddy how the movement would go on if she (Mrs. Eddy) were not here, Mrs. Eddy replied, "If only one [just one] will stand, the movement will be established. It is only the 'ether' and 'opium of occultism' that makes you think that you are not that one."

This reminds me of the "out-of-towner" who had a mishap and his car slid into the ditch in an isolated area.

Luckily, a local farmer came to help with "Buddy," his big, strong horse. The farmer hitched Buddy to the car and yelled, "Pull, 'Nellie,' pull!" Buddy didn't move an inch.

Then the farmer hollered, "Pull, 'Buster,' pull!" Buddy still didn't respond. Once more the farmer commanded, "Pull, 'Coco," pull!" Nothing happened.

Then the farmer nonchalantly said, "Pull, Buddy, pull," and the horse easily dragged the car out of the ditch.

The motorist was most appreciative, but very curious, too. He asked the farmer why he had called the horse the wrong name three times.

"Oh, you see," the farmer explained, "if Buddy thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn't even try."

We must constantly remind ourselves of the tremendous importance Mrs. Eddy places on the truth that there is but one Mind-your real Mind, "the kingdom of God within you," within your consciousness-and that it is all; and gives you "sovereign power." Then, even armed only with a pen, each one of us can help.


What has today influenced people to become drug addicts, lend themselves to crime, and spurn the ethics built up by Christianity over the centuries? In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes, "The mild forms of animal magnetism are disappearing, and its aggressive features are coming to the front." A vast chemicalization is going on, because the LEAVEN of Truth has brought latent evil to the surface of thought to be destroyed by this Christ Truth.

Jesus made a far-reaching utterance when he said, "The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened." He was telling us that this woman (Mary Baker Eddy, in the Second Coming of the Christ) must place in "Science, Theology, Medicine" the "leaven" of the "Comforter" until the whole of mortal thought is changed "as yeast changes the chemical properties of meal."

"When placed under a microscope, the working of leaven looks like a veritable battlefield. There is assault and penetration in the face of determined resistance until peace descends after the whole has been conquered" (Abbingdon's Bible Commentary).

The first step in overcoming error is to recognize it as an illusion, and specifically denounce it. The second step is to know what the fact is, AND HOLD TO IT. We must see things as THOUGHTS; then we can make the exchange and behold the perfect man. The objects of sense must be exchanged for the ideas of Soul (true identity). A matter body is nothing but hypnotic thought. We are dealing with hypnotism, with illusion, when we deal with matter. But all the while that I am seeing matter, the omnipresence of present perfection (Mind's ideal) is just as real and just as near as 2x2=4. The constant desire to know ourselves as we really are is "praying without ceasing"-it is silencing the material senses, as "in the quiet sanctuary of earnest longings we deny sin and plead [infinite good's] allness."


This "Mary Baker Eddy Letter," No. 8, is going to ask some questions that have concerned Christian Scientists around the world, namely, the vital question of obedience to Mary Baker Eddy's Church Manual, as she wrote it, the Manual she said was dictated by God, and is therefore a holy instrument.

Obedience to Mary Baker Eddy's Manual requires a knowledge of the difference between Mrs. Eddy's two Boards of Directors:

(1) the LEGAL four-member Board of Directors, established in 1892, that had power and authority ONLY over the church in Boston and its property, and which could continue indefinitely.

(2), Mrs. Eddy's temporary five-member Board of Directors, made up of the legal four-member Board, to which Archibald McClellan was added, and to which she gave vast powers ONLY WHILE SHE WAS HERE to supervise and control with the Mind of Christ.

After Mrs. Eddy's passing, there remained only the FOUR-member legal Board who, as already mentioned, had no control over the field or over the thousands of Christian Science churches.

Today groups are rising to defend Mary Baker Eddy and her Manual By-Laws which include the twenty-eight vitally important estoppel clauses that require Mrs. Eddy's consent for certain actions to be carried out. But most of these groups that are now rising fail to make clear the difference between the Manual-terminated FIVE-member Board, and the legal FOUR-member Board Mrs. Eddy set up at the time the original Mother Church was planned for and built. This legal FOUR-member Board had no power or authority over any church or individual except the Boston church and its property. It had no power over the thousands of Christian Science churches or over individual Christian Scientists.

The illegal five-member Board claims to have such power, in direct defiance of the Manual estoppels. Mrs. Eddy, foreseeing what would happen, reassured Laura Sargent and Clara Shannon that the Manual will be "acknowledged as law by law." This was a factual statement, and will come to pass. What a day that will be! But meanwhile the noose that the Manual-terminated 5-member Board of Directors has tied around our neck has been tightened each year since 1910 when Mary Baker Eddy left the human scene.

What are we doing about it?

As Edmund Burke wrote in 1795, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." If we do nothing Christian Science will keep losing ground as it has done during the nearly ninety years since Mary Baker Eddy, in person, said farewell. If we don't act soon, our Christian Science movement, like Samson-chained, blinded, and shorn of his hair (by the illegal five-member Board)-will no longer have the power to act.


The changes and annulments the Directors have made, and exercised, in defiance of the sacred Manual By-Laws, since Mrs. Eddy left in 1910, have breached the Directors' position of trust and left them and the successive Directors guilty of FRAUDULENT MISREPRESENTATION, which under human law is a serious crime. In changing and annulling the Manual By-Laws, the Directors are defying the real estate deeds for land with "further trusts," which represent the foundation on which the church is built, and which unequivocally interlock the Manual By-Laws with human laws of the land. Mrs. Eddy's real estate deed restrictions specifically prohibit any changing or annulling of Manual By-Laws. Mrs. Eddy bought land in Boston for church use and transferred it to her church on the condition that her students would obey the Manual By-Laws as she wrote them.

This meant that the temporary five-member Board to which she had given vast powers while she was here to supervise them with the Christ Mind, must return to its former FOUR member LEGAL Board status which had no power except to supervise the church in Boston and its property.

This Manual-terminated 5-member Board was, of course, deeply worried about losing the great power they enjoyed under Mrs. Eddy's supervision. They tried numerous times to get Mrs. Eddy to change the By-Law that toppled them (Manual, p.26, "Directors"). But knowing God had dictated that By-Law, Mrs. Eddy would not change it. This caused the disturbed Directors to consult the shrewdest lawyers in Boston, who told them: "Patience; wait 'til the old lady dies. She can't rule from the grave."


On December 3rd, 1910, Mrs. Eddy's earthy form passed on. (The real Mary Baker Eddy, of course, is in her writings and will be here forever.) We can well imagine that the Manual-terminated five-member Board held a feast, and figuratively beamed from ear to ear like a newly-crowned emperor, unable to conceal their pleasure.

The 5-member Manual-terminated Board had secretly printed the 89th edition Manual, in which they had made changes that gave them power over the thousands of Christian Science churches and over Christian Scientists. Their secretly changed 89th edition Manual could now be put on sale and sent to all Christian Science Reading Rooms. Mrs. Eddy's last Manual, the 88th edition, was called in by the Directors, and all copies destroyed.

This was the high point of the five-member Board's career; the culmination of years of hard work, the realization of their glorious dream. The five-member Board had never seen Mary Baker Eddy's history as a holy one-as the one prophesied to bring the Second Coming of the Christ, the "Comforter" promised by Jesus. They only saw her as someone they would some day replace.

Therefore the Manual-terminated 5-member Board quickly, quietly, slickly, slyly, (having persuaded themselves they were doing the right thing) announced to the world that they were Mrs. Eddy's successor. And for nearly ninety years it has been high noon for the rule of this five-member Board. Christian Science history had been made. Nothing would ever be the same again.


Thus began the day of which Jesus prophesied to St. John, in Revelation, chapters 13-21.

From Jesus' Revelation to St. John on the Isle of Patmos, we learn that before we experience divine harmony through learning what we already ARE, AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN REALITY, there will be "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth he hath but a short time."

What is this devil?

This "devil" is disobedience to Mary Baker's Eddy's Church Manual.

Revelation 13:l, 2, describes this disobedience to Mary Baker Eddy's Manual as "a beast": "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns [symbolizing the great power and authority the Manual-terminated Board assumed], and upon his heads the name of blasphemy....and the dragon [the drag-on of old theology] gave him his power, and his seat, and GREAT AUTHORITY."

This "beast" is ecclesiastical hierarchical power, such as the pope exercises in the Roman Catholic church. This is what Mary Baker Eddy's Manual was written to prevent. Our Leader wanted all "Christian Scientists [to] be a law to [themselves]..." (S&H 442:30). But, as Jesus said, "Scripture cannot be broken." Thus, since Mary Baker Eddy left the human scene, this scripture, this prophecy by Jesus, is being fulfilled-is being brought upon us by the disobedience of the Manual-terminated five member Board of Directors in Boston who refused to be governed by the estoppel clauses in Mrs. Eddy's Manual.

While Mrs. Eddy was with the Board of five Directors to supervise them with the Mind of Christ, she gave these Directors far more power than she had given them as a FOUR-member Board under the perpetual legal 1892 Deed of Trust, which should have again taken over at her passing. After Mary Baker Eddy left, all the temporary powers given the five-member Board were immediately blocked by the estoppels, which also prevented the Board from filling vacancies to perpetuate itself.


Once the Manual-terminated five-member Board steps down from the power it fraudulently, deceitfully assumed as the head of a world-wide "Mother Church," and takes its rightful place as Mary Baker Eddy's LEGAL FOUR-MEMBER BOARD with no power other than to look after the property of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, we will be ready to enter the millennial paradise. Once this Manual-terminated five-member Board CEASES TO CALL ITSELF MARY BAKER EDDY'S SUCCESSOR, and ceases to think of itself as "the highest ecclesiastical court in the land," the end of evil and injustice will be ushered in; harmony will reign-the "golden age" will follow.

To accomplish this, all genuine Christian Scientists today seek an end to the authoritarian bureaucratic control by the Manual-terminated five-member Board-who want to rule over the Christian Science movement with an illegally assumed centralized organization. The irrevocable real estate Deed of Trust of 1892 still maintains and protects the Boston church. Dissolution of organization does not mean disintegration of true Church. (See definition of "Church," S&H 583:12).

In Miscellany, p. 342, Mrs. Eddy said: "The continuity of The Church of Christ, assured....It will embrace all the churches, one by one, because it alone is the simplicity of the oneness of God [God is "the kingdom of God within our consciousness; in Christian Science we learn that God is our real and only Mind]; the oneness of Christ and the perfecting of man stated scientifically [Christ, we learn in Christian Science, is the real man, our real divine Mind's reflection]." Our real Mind and its idea are one. "Principle [our Mind] and its idea is one" (S&H 465:17; see also Mis. 101:31).


Mrs. Eddy writes of the healing power of the "spirit of Truth and Love" (S&H 418:22), and she states, "Of this I am sure, that each rule and By-Law in this Manual will increase the spirituality of him who obeys it, invigorate his capacity to heal the sick, to comfort such as mourn, and to awaken the sinner" (My. 230:10).

Few have studied Mary Baker Eddy's Manual to see how far-reaching, how far-sighted, how complete her provisions for the Church really are. Few realize how much of the current difficulty of the Christian Science movement has resulted from disobedience to her wise provisions.

A recent court case, Weaver and Other v. Wood et AL, brings the extent of this disobedience into focus.


In 1993 legal action was brought against the Board of Directors to enforce the provisions in the Church Manual relating to the guardianship of church funds. The action merely sought a full accounting of church finance, but it quickly raised much more critical issues. Now, after the case has slowly worked its way through the Massachusetts courts, where the Massachusetts Supreme Court chose not to hold the Boston ecclesiastical hierarchy accountable, the question of whether the case can go forward has been appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

The case as it developed came to be concerned with far more than church finances. It brought up the kind of church Mary Baker Eddy intended, and how she intended it to be governed. The key issue became "accountability to Mrs. Eddy."

The Board of Directors, having deceitfully set themselves up as Mary Baker Eddy's successor in total and direct defiance of the Church Manual, argued forcefully and explicitly that they, the Board of Directors, are not accountable to members. This Manual-terminated Board, that should NOT have existed after Mrs. Eddy left, blatantly declared they are their own judge and jury in church matters, even when those complaints concern the actions of the Board of Directors themselves. According to them, church members have no recourse to appeal, either within or without the church organization. This is ludicrous! It directly opposes our Leader's inspired Church Manual.

The fraudulent Board of Directors' official submissions to the court deceitfully presented our Church as an "hierarchical structure" with the Directors at the apex-and no meaningful accountability to Mrs. Eddy's Manual By-Laws. The Board's depiction to the Court revealed a view of the Directors as having the same unlimited decision-making power in our Church that the pope has in the Roman Catholic church.

This false portrayal of our Church's government raises concerns far more profound than the financial irresponsibility that initially prompted the suit. Mrs. Eddy, of course, was totally against religious hierarchies. She taught, "There was never a religion or philosophy lost to the centuries except by sinking its divine Principle in personality" (My. 117:22). She herself "left Boston in the height of prosperity to retreat from the world, and to seek the one divine Person [the kingdom of God within her own consciousness, her own divine Mind] whereby and wherein to show others the footsteps from sense to Soul [show them their true identity]" (ibid. 117).

Mary Baker Eddy wrote the Manual to prevent her Church from ever becoming an ecclesiastical hierarchy, as the Directors have now deceitfully represented it. The twenty-eight estoppel clauses carefully placed throughout the Manual, would, if obeyed, act as emergency brakes, stopping all actions which might lead to just such an unhealthy concentration of power as the Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors have given themselves today.

Since 1910 the Directors have chosen to subvert the INTENT of Mary Baker Eddy's estoppels, willfully disobeying them or reinterpreting them to serve their own purposes. In their statement to the Court they defend this action, asserting that "it is the exclusive province of the Board to determine the meaning of any of Mary Baker Eddy's By-Laws." In other words, the meaning of any given provision of the Manual is what the Board decides it to be.

In this statement the Board is, in effect, proclaiming itself to be the holy Spirit incarnate. The practical consequence of this view is to elevate the Board's authority in church matters above Mrs. Eddy's.

Do you, dear reader, agree with this?


In presenting the Directors' power within the church as VIRTUALLY ABSOLUTE, church and Publishing officials conspicuously and shamefully minimized the role of Mrs. Eddy's trusts. Mrs. Eddy's thirteen Deeds of Trust are carefully crafted legal documents which state that the property conveyed to the Directors is granted on one condition, namely, THAT THE MANUAL BE OBEYED.

Instead of supporting the precedent of considering Mary Baker Eddy's INTENT as the Founder or grantor of those trusts, the Directors, in their plea to the Court, sought a decision that would preclude the courts from considering her intent. In the name of defending "religious freedom," the Directors' position drastically limited the Court's role in sustaining Mrs. Eddy's trusts. This put even the most serious departures from the Manual's By-Laws, by church officers, out of reach of the courts, thus depriving the church members of the protection the trusts were meant to provide.

Do you, as a Christian Scientist, agree with this serious departure from Mary Baker Eddy's intent, and her Manual By-Laws? Or do you agree with Mary Baker Eddy and her Manual?


This past June, l997, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts decided in favor of the Board of Directors. There was no evident consideration of Mrs. Eddy's intent. The Court said it did not want to intrude into religious affairs, but the unintentional effect of the Court's decision was far more intrusive than the Court recognized, for the decision altered the fundamental character of the government of our Church as Mrs. Eddy established it.


As events unfolded in the Court case, it became tragically clear (although many today do not see it) that the self-congratulatory court-victory for the five-member Board was, in fact, a wake. The funeral pyre has been blazing since December, l910, burning through the joists, beams, and floor-boards of Mary Baker Eddy's sacred Manual. The deadly flame is reducing to ashes the God-inspired Manual By-Laws that restore to every individual his freedom to be a law to himself, since he in reality has the "the kingdom of God within" him-within his consciousness-and the one divine Mind is his Mind, that reflects itself in what is called "man," or Christ. He needs only to awaken from the Adam dream.

The Court's decision confronts Christian Scientists directly with the question of whether or not our Church will in any real sense remain Mrs. Eddy's Church, responsible to her Leadership in more than just name. The issues at stake are summarized in the plaintiff's petition to the United States Supreme Court:

"The Massachusetts decision effectively established a church that has a different governing structure...from that deliberately decreed by the Church's Founder....It replaces a carefully constructed system of checks and balances [where all power is given to the individual to be a law to himself], with one that reposes unaccountable power in the hands of a self-perpetuating Board of Directors." In reality, as Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is within you," meaning within each individual's consciousness. Each therefore, in reality, as we said, has the Mind of Christ. The Court's decision replaces this hallowed truth with a lie, a falsity, that reposes unaccountable power in the hands of a fraudulent and illegal Manual-terminated self-perpetuating five-member Board of Directors.

The plaintiffs conclude, "The consequences of this Court decision, if it is permitted to stand, will be grave and pervasive ones for the Christian Science denomination, for the decision... effectively abolished the Church created by the Founder of Christian Science, and establishes in its place a new one."

How did Mary Baker Eddy intend her church to be governed?

A careful reading of the Deeds of Trust and the Church Manual makes several facts clear:

First, the Manual By-Laws are to be obeyed exactly as written, and no one, including the Board of Directors, has authority to change or re-interpret them.

Second, since 1910 the estoppels in the Manual should have effectively shut down activities that needed Mrs. Eddy consent to continue. This made the existence of a "Mother Church," in that sense, impossible.

Third, since 1910 the only true Christian Science Board of Directors in Boston is a LEGAL four-member Board set up solely to oversee The First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, and its property. (Note: "in" Boston.)

Finally, no Board of Directors, nor any other entity, has power over the Christian Science field and its churches such as the Manual-terminated five-member Board fraudulently, deceitfully claims to have.

The Deeds of Trust that relate to various parcels of church property-including the dozen not reprinted in the Manual (pp. 136-138)-include a stipulation that: "NO NEW TENET OR BY-LAW SHALL BE ADOPTED, NOR ANY TENET OR BY-LAW AMENDED OR ANNULLED BY THE GRANTEES [DIRECTORS] WITHOUT MARY BAKER EDDY'S CONSENT."

The grantees here are the FOUR-member Board of Directors. No property was ever given to the Manual-terminated FIVE-member Board.

The By-laws stipulated here are vital to the constitutional government which emerged as Mrs. Eddy pondered and prayed about the future of her Church, and about the protection it would need when she was no longer humanly present.

Mrs. Eddy had her legal counsel prepare this stipulation between 1898 and 1904, as a way of protecting these Manual By-Laws. She knew trusts are LEGAL documents enforceable through civil courts. Mrs. Eddy's thirteen Deeds of Trust gave legally binding authority and perpetuity to all the Manual By-Laws. This is why she could tell her students that the Manual would be "acknowledged as law by law."

The By-Law on page 26 of the Manual, Sect. 5, entitled "Directors," made it legally impossible for the five-member Board of Directors to continue in office after Mrs. Eddy was no longer here to supervise them. The Board KNEW they only had power as long as Mrs. Eddy was here to oversee them, and this is why they repeatedly petitioned her to change or delete this By-Law.

This By-Law was the most important By-Law in the Manual, and was no doubt Mrs. Eddy's reason for writing the Manual. It was the only By-Law the five-member Board asked Mrs. Eddy to change. But each time the Directors asked her to change it, she told them that God had dictated that By-Law, and it remained for the Directors and the church to obey it.

That By-Law put all power into the hands of each Christian Scientist. It called on each Christian Scientist to be "a law to himself." Why? Because the "kingdom of God is within" the consciousness of each individual. Each individual's real Mind is God, is Truth, is Love.

The FOUR-member Board, which Mrs. Eddy set up legally in 1892 when the original Mother Church was formed, only had power over that church and its property. They had no power whatsoever over any other Christian Science church or over individual Christian Scientists. The temporary five-member Board had power and authority only so long as Mrs. Eddy was on hand to supervise them, as her above-mentioned By-Law, "Directors" (Manual p. 26) insures.

I hope I have made clear the difference between the 4-member Board and the 5-member Board.

In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes: "The march of mind and of honest investigation [such as these Mary Baker Eddy Letters are trying to do] will bring the hour when the people will chain, with fetters of some sort, the growing occultism [secret, concealed from observation] of this period. The present APATHY as to the tendency of certain active yet unseen mental agencies will finally be SHOCKED into another extreme mental mood, into human indignation" at having been deceived all these years by a fraudulent Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors who had to fulfill Jesus' prophecy in Revelation, Chapter 13, l and 2, (since "Scripture cannot be broken") which speaks of the "beast" and the "dragon." The "beast" and The drag-on of Old Theology subjects us to a labored salvation, a salvation in the future instead of a realization of our present spiritual perfection which the "Comforter" brings in the Second Coming of the Christ.

Let us ask a few vital questions:

Mrs. Eddy's Manual By-Law firmly states, the five-member Board: "...shall fill a vacancy occurring on that board AFTER THE CANDIDATE IS APPROVED BY THE PASTOR EMERITUS...."

What has the 5-member Board done?

They have willfully continued to fill vacancies on that Board despite the fact that Mary Baker Eddy told them that By-Law was dictated by God, and is therefore a holy, God-inspired By-Law.

Do you agree with Mary Baker Eddy, who said God dictated that By-Law? Or, do you agree with the Manual-terminated Board of Directors who scorned this By-Law, refused to return to their FOUR-member status and instead announced to the Christian Science field that they were Mary Baker Eddy's SUCCESSOR?

Do you agree with the Manual-terminated Board that there was a "Mother Church" after Mrs. Eddy left? Or, do you agree that Mary Baker Eddy's Manual means exactly what it states: the "President shall be elected, subject to the approval of the Pastor Emeritus...."?

Similar By-laws state that the church clerk and treasurer could be reelected only if they have the consent of the Pastor Emeritus, Mary Baker Eddy, given in her own handwriting. Such estoppels effectively shut down the operation of a "Mother Church."

This leaves in place only the people who attend The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and who, in fact, ARE The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, as Mrs. Eddy states in the Manual.

According to the Manual there was NO MOTHER CHURCH AFTER MARY BAKER EDDY LEFT. Do you agree with Mary Baker Eddy, or do you agree with the Board of Directors who deceitfully continue to affirm that there is a Mother Church that you can join, a super-organization, an ecclesiastical hierarchy with vast authority, a church which they head as a self-perpetuating Board of Directors, collecting an annual tax from you each year? (Here read again, Revelation 13:1 & 2).

The Manual (p.35, Sect. 3) states that (in Mrs. Eddy's time) children 12 years of age could become members of the Mother Church. But since, according to the Manual, there was no Mother Church after Mrs. Eddy left, that is, after June of 1911 when no officer to the Mother Church could be elected without Mrs. Eddy's consent. After that date no one could become a member of the Mother Church.

Thus, when other By-Laws require membership in the Mother Church for actions, such as becoming a reader or starting a branch church, a person would today have to be 95 or so, to be in conformity with Mary Baker Eddy's sacred Manual. This was Mrs. Eddy's way of gracefully, phasing out Branch churches, and all material organization.

Page 51 of the Manual, "Authority, Sect. 5," speaks of disciplining a member, but there was no five-member Board of Directors after Mary Baker Eddy left, and the four-member Board was limited to caring only for the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and its property, and had no authority to discipline, or to interfere in any way with a branch church, or an individual Christian Scientist. The Manual-terminated five-member Board claimed it DID have such authority, and used it fraudulently to consolidate its own power.

For example, this Manual-terminated five-member Board believed itself empowered to reinterpret the meaning of "No incorrect Literature" (Article VIII, Section 11) to mean no literature that is not authorized by the Directors. Why did the Board need this meaning? Because in order to survive, they must control what Christian Scientists read. The Board of Directors have recently (in the July, 1997, Sentinel, and in the 1997 November Journal) warned Christian Scientists to read only what they, the Manual-terminated Directors, authorized.

The Manual, p. 88, ends all formal teaching. It states that "the teacher shall be elected every third year...and the candidate shall be subject to the APPROVAL of the Pastor Emeritus [Mary Baker Eddy].

And finally, on page 105 of the Manual we have this ALL IMPORTANT BY-LAW: "Amendment of By-Laws. Sect. 3. No new Tenet or By-Law shall be adopted, nor any Tenet or By-Law amended or annulled, without the written consent of Mary Baker Eddy, the author of our textbook, Science and Health."

The above are only a few of what are called "estoppels," that stop an action. There are 28 such estoppels in the Manual. Mrs. Eddy saw these estoppel clauses were needed to keep her great revelation and discovery from meeting the same fate that befell Jesus' teaching about a hundred years after he left.

The Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors' statement to the court in the case of Weaver and Other v. Wood at Al., attempting to justify their continuing disobedience to the Manual estoppels, shows the Board's total disregard for Mary Baker Eddy, who brought the Second Coming of the Christ and so fulfilled Jesus' prophecy and promise of the "Comforter."

This disregard for Mrs. Eddy was also shown in several incidents mentioned in "Mary Baker Eddy Letter" No. 7. For example, the Board tore down her beloved home at Pleasant View; they dynamited to bits the grand granite pyramid marker that marked her birth place at Bow, N.H.; and they lied to the United States Congress in order to secure a permanent copyright on all editions of Science and Health, which Mrs. Eddy had left in the Public Domain and many other cruel depredations, such as watonly taking over the Publishing Society. (See full story in my book, If Mary Baker Eddy's Manual Were Obeyed.)

Jesus' Revelation to St. John, chapter 13:1 & 2, is being fulfilled today as the Board of Directors disobediently continue to name themselves Mary Baker Eddy's "successor."


Please answer the following questions with "Yes," or "No" and then click the submit button at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

(1) Do you feel it was right for the Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors to destroy Mary Baker Eddy's beloved Pleasant View home where she had spent sixteen years pouring out Truth and Love to the entire world?
Yes No

(2) Do you feel it was right for this Manual-terminated Board to dynamite to bits the grand granite pyramid marker, that marked Mrs. Eddy's birthplace at Bow, because the Directors felt too many people were visiting it?
Yes No

(3) Do you feel the Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors had the right to petition Congress and secure from them a continual copyright on all 432 editions of Science and Health after Mrs. Eddy had left Science and Health uncopyrighted and in the public domain?
Yes No

(4) The Manual-terminated Board argued in Court that they, as Directors, and not the Church Manual, were their own judge and jury in church matters? Is this right?
Yes No

(5) Do you agree with the Manual-terminated Board that any provision of the Manual is what they, the Board, decides it to be, in other words, elevating the Board's authority in church matters above Mary Baker Eddy's authority?
Yes No

(6) Do you agree with the Directors' decision that puts even the most serious departures from the Manual's By-Laws, by church officers, out of the reach of the courts?
Yes No

(7) On page 26 of the Manual, Sect. 4, Directors. Mrs. Eddy's By-Law reads: "They [the Directors] shall fill a vacancy occurring on that Board [the five-member Board] AFTER the candidate is APPROVED BY THE PASTOR EMERITUS." Do you agree with the Board of Directors who scorned this By-Law and set themselves up as Mary Baker Eddy's successor?
Yes No

(8) Mrs. Eddy's Manual By-Laws terminated the Mother Church at her leaving as no officer could be elected without her consent. Do you feel the Manual-terminated Board had the right to overturn Mary Baker Eddy's By-Law and collect dues from the field for a "Mother" church?
Yes No

(9) The Manual, page 105, has the ALL-IMPORTANT BY-LAW: "Amendment of By-Laws. Sect. 3. No new tenet or By-Law shall be adopted, nor any Tenet or By-Law amended or annulled, without the written consent of Mary Baker Eddy, the author of our textbook, Science and Health." Do you agree with this By-Law?
Yes No

We will report to you the results of this survey in a future Letter. Thank you for participating in this survey.


The Children's Section will be continued in Mary Baker Eddy Letter No. 9.


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