Letter Number Fourteen, April 3, 2000

Dear Beloved Friends,

We send you this book, If Mary Baker Eddy’s Manual Were Obeyed, as a gift of love. If the Manual had been obeyed we would all be in paradise right now! Read and see why.

Much has happened since our last mailing of the Mary Baker Eddy Institute Letter. For example, this past December, WE MOVED!

Our new address is:

The Mary Baker Eddy Institute
26803 Edgewater Blvd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370
Our new phone & fax number is: 1-360-779-7165

or you can e-mail us

Of course you can still visit us on line at, where you will now find the complete 1st edition of Science and Health as well as the 1910 edition,Prose Works, the 88th Manual and all the MBE Institute Letters. Several of my books are also on the website, with more to come.

About the time of our move our good friends and helpers David Keyston and Meg MacArthur moved to far away Idaho.

Then this winter Julie Olive, a lifelong Christian Scientist, arrived to help.

Many readers have asked about the newsletters. No, we have not stopped writing them. We did pause after Letter #12 to put the first twelve letters into a book, The Mary Baker Eddy Institute Letters. Then, as promised, we set out to explain the “system,” but that subject was so vast it wouldn’t fit in a letter. Instead, Letter #13 became a 600 page book, Your Divinity Revealed. If you have not received either of these two books, let us know, and we will be happy to send them.

It has been a busy year for us, and for other people as well:

See page 9 of this Letter to learn how David E. Robinson is handling Boston’s legal suit against him over the use of the cross and crown symbol. Please send him encouragement, and if you can, a contribution, at P.O. Box 888, Bakerville, NC 28705.

Alice Swanson in Florida and Robert Hough in California have initiated two very different projects you will also find of interest. For more information regarding them, see pages 16 and 17.

There is so much vital work to be done! It feels good to be talking with you on these pages again, and we look forward to hearing from you by email at, by telephone at (360) 779-7165 or by snail mail at our new address, 26803 Edgewater Blvd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370.

Here is the letter. Enjoy!


Letter No. Fourteen

This newsletter, like my book, If Mary Baker Eddy’s Manual Were Obeyed, is dedicated to all who love and revere God’s recording angel, Mary Baker Eddy, to all who long to see her place in scriptural prophecy acknowledged, and her name restored to its proper place in world esteem and human and divine history.

It is also dedicated to all who have wondered why she rated her Church Manual second only to Science and Health; why she said: “Eternity awaits our Church Manual.

It is dedicated to those who accept Jeremiah’s great revelation that a woman shall compass a man—meaning Science shall compass Christianity.


What Mrs. Eddy discovered is so revolutionary it tends to offend the conventional human mind, causing even some of her students to cry “personality!” whenever her name is mentioned or her achievements lauded. Those who fail to see Mrs. Eddy’s human history in its proper light as a God-impelled “holy history” (just as was the human history of Jesus), often decry any mention of her name as being “personality-worship.” In the past this cry of “personality” has been used to cover far-reaching crimes against Mrs. Eddy and all humanity, and has been one of the actions responsible for bringing the great Christian Science movement to its knees.


A conspicuous example of this crime was when, immediately after her passing, the Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors removed Mrs. Eddy’s picture as the frontispiece of the Christian Science textbook, ostensibly on the ground that too much attention was being paid to her “personality.” Mrs. Eddy said: “This hidden method of committing crime…will ere long be unearthed and punished as it deserves. The effort of disloyal students to blacken me and to keep my works from public recognition… has been made too many times for me to fear it... [But] I ask the help of others [in the uncovering of this injustice]….A lie left to itself is not so soon destroyed as it is with the help of truth-telling” (My.130:5). This letter will help with “truth-telling.” The Bible says, “A little child shall lead them,”—meaning even a speck of truth will be enough to lead them.


Why did Mrs. Eddy place her picture and signature in the textbook? Why did she, from September 7th, 1907, until the time of her passing in 1910, continuously advertise in the Christian Science periodicals that the new editions of Science and Health contained her picture and signature?

Note the picture is not actually IN Science & Health. In Mrs. Eddy’s last edition it comes before what would have been Roman numeral one. What was Mrs. Eddy’s holy purpose in this?

The frontispiece picture is an exercise in our being able to look at person and see NOT person but God. This is the hallmark of a Christian Scientist. The spiritual idea must have its visible expression, its “incarnation,” or else Christian Science is only abstraction. The frontpiece picture is an exercise in seeing correctly. If we can look through person and see God’s radiant expression, we have seen the purpose of the picture. It is really an exercise in how to look at everyone and everything and translate it back into Mind, into reality. When you resolve the personal “I” you see the real Mary Baker Eddy—you see the Mind of God in expression, that which was able to bring humanity the second coming of the Christ.

Why could she do this? Why can we do this also, once understandingcomes? Because, as was divinely revealed to Mary Baker Eddy, each can say: “I am God individualized, but still remaining the whole.”

A metaphysician learns not to read from matter, but to look through person rather than at it. When Jesus said, “he that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14) he could hardly have meant that his corporeal person depicted God but rather that reality was seen in the spirituality, the power and the love, that shone through his life and character. In viewing the human, we have to be able to see not material person but God, meaning that where personal sense sees only another person, spiritual sense discerns God, in expression. Thus our reaction to the portrait is a test of Soul-sense. Mrs. Eddy was always insistent that unless the students could understand her in her true light—as transparency for the source—they would not truly understand Christian Science. (John Morgan, Mary Baker Eddy’s Other Writing, pp. 81 & 82. See also page 113.)

When Mrs. Eddy’s picture first appeared in the early editions of the textbook she obviously knew she had not yet completed the Science and system that was to be woven into the text of Science and Health, and therefore she temporarily removed it. It did not reappear permanently until after she read the “book throughout consecutively [June 10, 1907] in order to elucidate her idealism” (xii:21).

Then in the 4th edition of the 1907 Science and Health her picture reappeared permanently, concurrently with her new definition of God, which for the first time had seven instead of eight synonyms. The eighth synonym, “Being,” was dropped from Question and Answer No. 1, and inserted in Question and Answer No. 3. She is thereby showing us what “Being” is: Being is what we are when we realize ourselves to be Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, which is the standpoint of the first edition.

This new definition of God, with seven synonyms, was a change of stupendous importance to “the system she denominated Christian Science.” With this understanding, Mrs. Eddy knew, a student would be able to discern her picture as God-in-expression. Thus she permanently included her portrait. Yet reprints of the 1910 edition (published by the illegal, Manual-terminated, five-member Board of Directors after Mrs. Eddy’s departure) shamefully omitted her picture, and signature.

Alice Orgain, who began her writings on Mary Baker Eddy in the late 1920s, asked the Board of Directors for proof that Mrs. Eddy herself had her picture removed from the 1910 reprints. The archives of the Mother Church were meticulously searched, but no trace could be found explaining why her picture had been removed. The Board of Directors finally told Alice Orgain that Mrs. Eddy must have orally instructed that her picture be removed. Imagine!

I am told that today, if visitors to the Mother Church Archives ask about the removal of Mrs. Eddy’s picture, they are quickly shown letters by both Frye and Dickey purporting to be directives from Mrs. Eddy to remove her picture. These letters are obvious forgeries; they were not there when the archives were meticulously searched to answer Alice Orgain’s question.


The passage of a special act of Congress in 1971 giving the five-member Board of Directors copyright on all Mrs. Eddy’s editions of Science and Health was another colossal and cruel injustice done Mrs. Eddy in the attempt to separate her from her revelation. Until it was overturned by the courts in 1987 as unconstitutional, this act of compounded disobedience to Mrs. Eddy’s leadership produced a textbook whose title page declared:

Published by The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts;

And on the reverse side, the list of copyrights concluded with:

© 1971 The Christian Science Board of Directors Copyright under Special Act of Congress.

Then, at the Library of Congress, in Washington, D.C., under the registrations of all translations done in foreign languages of Mrs. Eddy’s works, it stated:

Author/Owner Christian Science Board of Directors.

It did not name Mary Baker Eddy as the author. It named the Board of Directors as the author. This is proof positive of the Manual-terminated five-member Board of Directors’ continued attempts to separate the revelator from her revelation—to disclaim Mary Baker Eddy by the very entity (Science and Health) that God called her to bring forth, in order to disseminate and perpetuate her revelation, and be “the Comforter” Jesus promised.

Why was the Board of Directors so set on removing Mrs. Eddy from her proper place in Christian Science? When Mary Baker Eddy constituted the five-member Board of Directors—by adding Archibald McClellan to her four member Board—she gave this five-member Board tremendous power. Then, in her God-dictated Manual, she made sure that this five-member Board existed only so long as she was here to guide them with the Christ Mind. When the five-member Board was unable to persuade Mrs. Eddy to write a By-Law transferring her power to them, they consulted attorneys who, of course, could only advise them how they could circumvent Mrs. Eddy’s divine plan with HUMAN law, human policy, human ways and means. “Wait ‘til the old lady dies,” the lawyers advised.

Mrs. Eddy was aware of this treachery. That she was also aware that the cruelty of it was shortening her stay with us, can be seen from the note she dictated to Laura Sargent five days before she passed from our sight:

“It took a combination of sinners [her own trusted students in combination with human legal authorities] that was fast, to harm me.”

The records preserved from that period prove conclusively that the members of the five-man ecclesiastical Board realized fully that Mrs. Eddy was terminating their Board and terminating all “mother” aspects of The Mother Church; but materialism was in the saddle; mammon ruled their hearts and mind; and they disobediently perpetuated themselves in power after her passing. To this very day Board members staunchly, deceitfully, maintain: “We stand in Mrs. Eddy’s place.”

They never saw Mrs. Eddy’s holy God-dictated teaching. The five-member Board evidently had to be told, after opening a bottle of milk, to keep it upright. They had to learn that a camera only works when there is film inside. They never saw Mary Baker Eddy’s highest teaching that Christ’s kingdom on earth would not be manifested until man had returned to the state of innocence in which sexual ideas and relations had no place.


Let’s review how Mrs. Eddy planned to bring the ecclesiastical Mother Church organization to a halt. She had already set up a Board of Directors for The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston—a four member, legal Board created by the 1892 Deed of Trust. Later, because she temporarily needed to delegate substantial power and authority to a Board, but also needed a way to distinguish it from the four-member legal Board that would take over at her passing, Mrs. Eddy created a temporary Board of five members, which operated under her complete control, according to her Manual provisions. Vacancies on this five-member Board of Directors could only be filled with Mrs. Eddy’s consent and approval.

Why is the Church Manual the Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientists, as well as the Manual of The Mother Church?

·It is the Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, because by her Deed of Trust of Sept. 1, 1892, she legally established The First Church of Christ, Scientist, with a four-member Board of Directors.

·It remains the Manual of The Mother Church because it inculcates divine behavior patterns such as the rule for motives and acts; it urges on the mind and instills the conviction that “divine Love alone governs man.”

It remains the Manual of The Mother Church because, through the estoppels, or clauses that require Mrs. Eddy’s consent, it terminates all material “mother aspects” of The Mother Church, such as authorized teaching, authorized lecturing, Committee on Publication activity, etc. and sets each individual free to teach, preach, and practice Christian Science as his conscience dictates. (See Miscellaneous Writings 315:9).

There is no way to measure the incalculable harm done by disobedience to the Manual By-Laws. Take just one example:

Art. 25, Sect. 8, of the Manual refers to “Books to be Published.” It states: “…A book or an article of which Mrs. Eddy is the author shall not be published nor republished by this [Publishing] Society without her knowledge or written consent.”

The Directors have deceitfully led the field to believe that obedience to this By-Law would prohibit the publication of Mrs. Eddy’s writings, and therefore Christian Science would die out since Mary Baker Eddy’s books could not be published. They have used this as an excuse to disobey any of the By-Laws that stand in their way. In truth, anyone can publish her books.

The truth in regard to this particular By-Law is that the Publishing Society was never authorized to publish Mrs. Eddy’s books. Up until 1908, Mrs. Eddy’s writings were published by Joseph Armstrong, 250 Huntington Avenue. In 1908 her books began being published by Allison V. Stewart, same address.

In 1916, the notices in Mrs. Eddy’s books began reading: “Published by Allison V. Stewart for the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker G. Eddy.” With that notice we have the first encroachment on our freedom to print and publish all Mrs. Eddy’s writings with the same freedom the Bible is published. Mrs. Eddy never copyrighted her final edition of Science and Health. The Bible is not copyrighted. Anyone can publish it, and any of us can publish Science and Health, and all her writings.

To say that obedience to the above-mentioned By-Law would prevent publication of Mrs. Eddy’s Writings is a total falsity. Publication of Mrs. Eddy’s writings was never tied to the Publishing Society, since the Publishing Society never had been given the right to publish Mrs. Eddy’s books. This By-Law simply insured that any claim the society might assume in regard to Mrs. Eddy’s writings was severed.

Had this By-Law been obeyed anyone could have published her books and untold millions of mankind would for the past three quarters of a century have had access to the “Comforter”—the second coming of the Christ—in the form of Mary Baker Eddy’s writings. Her writings educate humanity to understand error of every name or nature to be merely hypnotic suggestions—to understand that aside from the material hypnotic sense of person, place, and thing, all is harmony. Mrs. Eddy made it clear that since God, good, is all, there can be no selfhood apart from this infinite good called God, our own real Mind that is divine Principle, Love.


The Manual remains the Manual of The Mother Church, because Mrs. Eddy’s estoppels, when obeyed, forestall ecclesiastical despotism. Specifically, in the case of the five-member Board, Mrs. Eddy clearly and positively states that a vacancy on this Board can only be filled “AFTER the candidate is approved by the Pastor Emeritus.” No amount of pleading by the Directors could cause Mrs. Eddy to change this particular By-law by which the five-member Board was terminated. She told the Directors and their agents that God had dictated that requirement and it was up to her church to obey it. Mrs. Eddy knew that it was obedience to this very By-Law (which required her consent and approval) that alone could save her church. No amount of human rationalizing could change Mrs. Eddy’s plainly stated requirement.

It is perfectly obvious that when Mrs. Eddy’s approval could not be obtained, this five-member Board should have followed Mrs. Eddy’s clear instruction and terminated itself in 1912 when one of its members left the scene. But no one rose up to squelch the five-member Board’s disobediences. It seems Jesus’ prophecy to St. John on the Isle of Patmos was to be fulfilled. Jesus had said, “Prophecy cannot be broken.”

Today we see clearly what disobedience to this By-Law has done to the Christian Science movement. We see how the greed for power, together with the apathy of the Field, which, as of old, cried: “Give us a king to rule over us,” has wrought havoc with the Christian Science movement.

Briefly, under the Manual’s prohibitions:

1. The Mother Church should have lasted only six months, i.e. until the next election in June, 1911, at which time no officers of The Mother Church could be elected or reelected without Mrs. Eddy’s consent.

2. A year later in June, 1912, when the five-member Board lost Stephen A. Chase, he could not be replaced without Mrs. Eddy’s consent and approval (Manual, p.26, Sect.5). But the five-member ecclesiastical Board did not want to give up their power and the collection from the field:


The Board of Education also ceased to exist after Mrs. Eddy’s departure, since the signature of the President of the College (Mrs. Eddy) was called for on all certificates (Manual, p. 91, Sect. 3.) Mrs. Eddy never resigned the presidency. Therefore, since 1910 there could be no new “certified” teachers. All who were spiritually fit could be teachers.


Because inquiries have been received regarding Mrs. Eddy’s termination of the temporary five-member ecclesiastical Board of Directors, and all material aspects of The Mother Church, the following review is included. It is hoped that it will help the reader to better understand how Mrs. Eddy planned to accomplish the termination of all centralized control which she knew would develop into ecclesiastical despotism when she was no longer here to watch divinely, and advise.

To see what Mrs. Eddy set in place, we have to go back to the formation of the church, in 1892, and move forward. If we start with what we see now, and try to justify it on the basis of its present appearance, then the foresight, wisdom, and justification of Mrs. Eddy’s Manual is difficult to follow. This is because we would be working with effects and not going back to the cause. Mrs. Eddy’s objective was spiritual, not material, organization.


The only By-Law the five-member Board continually asked Mrs. Eddy to change or eliminate is the one on page 26 of the Manual which states that a vacancy on the five-member Board can only be filled “AFTER the candidate is approved by Mrs. Eddy, the Pastor Emeritus.” It is said that a good answer is what you think of later. But Mrs. Eddy was never one to wait and think of a good answer later; she told them at once, and positively, that it was “God’s By-Law.”

While Mrs. Eddy was with her Board of Directors, to control and supervise with the Mind of Christ, she gave these Directors far more power than she had given the four-member Board under the perpetual legal 1892 Deed of Trust (which would take over at her passing.)

To make sure the power she had delegated to her five-member Board would not continue after her departure from the human scene, she made replacements on this Board subject to her approval; and in 1903, in the 28th Manual, she distinguished this temporary ecclesiastical Board by adding a 5th member, so it would never be confused with the legal self-perpetuating Board created by her 1892 Deed of Trust.

The legally setup four-member Board left the Directors with only the custodial duties mentioned in the Deed of September, 1892, such as maintaining services in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, “and for this purpose they [were] fully empowered to make any and all necessary rules and regulation.” But they were given no power over branch churches or individual Christian Scientists. (See Manual, pp. 131-133.) The treasurer of this church was uniquely endowed to accept the profits of the Publishing Society, and use them for extending the teaching of Mary Baker Eddy as provided in her Last Will and Testament.


When Mrs. Eddy, in 1903, added the By-Law stating that “no new Tenet or By-Law shall be adopted, nor any Tenet or By-Law amended or annulled without the written consent of Mary Baker Eddy,” the five-member Board realized that with Mrs. Eddy’s passing their ecclesiastical Board with all its delegated authority would be terminated, since the By-Law governing them stated a vacancy on their Board could not be filled without Mrs. Eddy’s approval.

The five-member Board viewed with alarm the “dangerous consequences” of relying on God and spiritual organization alone. They did not share Mrs. Eddy’s views, or accept the Manual requirement that “In Science, divine Love alone governs man.” They were unwilling to give up the power and prestige they enjoyed under Mrs. Eddy’s direction. And at her passing they refused to obey the By-Law that said a vacancy on the five-member Board could not be filled without her approval.

In this cruel disobedience lies the single and only cause of the deterioration of the Christian Science movement throughout the world today.

Mrs. Eddy’s writing brought the promised Comforter, the second coming of the Christ, and when her Tenets and By-Laws are obeyed, heaven will be realized right where we are, here on earth. Our present perfection will be realized, and it won’t be that perfection a person comes to when he fills out a job application.


Perhaps reviewing this subject chronologically will be helpful. Originally, Mrs. Eddy created the Deed of Trust of September 1, 1892 with a four-member Board to be Directors of The First Church of Christ, Scientist. Of this church she said: “The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is designed to be built on the rock, Christ; even the understanding and demonstration of divine Truth, Life, and Love, healing and saving the world from sin and death; thus to reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant” (Manual, p. 19). The “Church Universal and Triumphant” is the spiritual Mother Church, the spiritual Mother within us; it is the Mother God, or “Kingdom of God within you.” It is a completely spiritual church, defined on p. 583:12 of Science and Health.Remembering the definition of Church (S&H) Mrs. Eddy wanted it understood that human society itself is the living God. This living God is “individual Mind,” the Mind of man, (Mis. 101:31). This makes our own right consciousness, our own right Mind, the source from which all guidance and direction flows. Guidance and direction do not come from a Manual disobedient, material, self-seeking, self-appointed hierarchy in Boston.

The reader should note section 6 of the Deed of Trust, (Manual, p. 132): “The CONGREGATION which shall worship in said church shall be styled ‘The First Church of Christ, Scientist.’” Mrs. Eddy doesn’t say an organization shall be The First Church of Christ, Scientist. She says the CONGREGATION which shall worship in that edifice—“the congregation,” meaning the people—shall be styled “The First Church of Christ, Scientist.”

In other words, Mrs. Eddy didn’t set up a material organization. She created the four trustees who were also termed the Directors, with routine duties as specified above; but she didn’t name a president, a clerk, or a treasurer in The First Church of Christ, Scientist. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was the CONGREGATION,” the people, that worshipped there.


The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. (notice the “in”) is a church that has been organized and has a building. But it is the people that worship in that church that are: “The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. (Note, not in Boston but Christian Science worshippers worldwide.)

Mrs. Eddy says the Tenets, (Manual p. 15) are “the Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist.” The Tenets can only be the Tenets of an individual—they constitute the kingdom of God within the individual’s spiritual consciousness. They are not the Tenets of a church, because as soon as they become Tenets of a church they become a material creed to which people must subscribe, and then they are no longer the Father-Mother God, the Principle, Love, within our consciousness.

The Boston hierarchy, by their actions since Mrs. Eddy’s passing, and by statements in the periodicals such as: “We are the tender guardians of the Christian Scientists’ footsteps heavenward,” have assumed that it is their personal responsibility to implement the Tenets in the entire Christian Science field. So they have assumed responsibility for approving prac-titioners, teachers, lectures, etc. What a diabolical farce! The Tenets, to be of value spiritually, must be our individual consciousness, just as honesty, integrity, unselfishness, justice, are a part of our consciousness; they cannot be administered by an unlawful, self-appointed Boston hierarchy.

Thus any member of the human race who in his heart adopts the Tenets of The Mother Church is a member of The Mother Church, and also of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, which “is designed to…reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant [The spiritual Mother Church, the kingdom of God within our consciousness]” (Manual,19). Ponder this.

Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.


Just as the Tenents apply to each individual Christian Scientist, so do the symbols Mrs. Eddy identified for us. On page 1 of this Letter we promised to expand on David E. Robinson’s defense against the illegal Manual-termniated five member Board of Directors who are suing him for his use of Mary Baker Eddy’s cross and crown symbol.

David Robinson states as part of his defense:

“Central and germane to the elaborate symbol system Mrs. Eddy designed, and meticulously executed to convey her divine revelation, is the cross & crown which appears within a circle and which is emblazoned upon the cover of her textbook.

“Indeed, so germane is this most obvious of all of the symbols she has employed that, should you turn to page 254 in the textbook, you will find an entire marginal heading entitled: The cross and crown. Within the body of text, identified by that heading, we read: ‘If you launch your bark on the ever-agitated but healthful waters of truth, you will encounter storms. Your good will be evil spoken of. This is the cross. Take it up and bear it, for through it you win and wear the crown. Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou are guest of God.’ [How wonderful!]

“Clearly, Mrs. Eddy here employed a method of epitomizing her entire divine revelation to mankind when she designed and applied the cross & crown emblem upon the front of her textbook. Thus, the cross & crown seal belonged exclusively to her divine revelation long before it ever became usurped as being the property of an illegally seated and fraudulent board of five directors who commandeered the cause of Christian Science when they subjected both the cross & crown emblem, as well as the signature of Mary Baker Eddy, as it appears on the title page within the textbook, to the trademarking of those symbols as being their property. And this, to the exclusion of it belonging to all students of Christian Science, whether affiliated with the church or not! Who, may we ask, gave the Directors the symbols? Do not the symbols belong exclusively to the divine revelation, the Christ Science, the second coming of the Christ, that Mrs. Eddy presented to the world?

“Thus, the cross & crown seal belongs exclusively to the divine revelation as its most intrinsic and essential symbol! It does not belong now, nor did it ever belong, to a self-appointed and self-authorized Board of ecclesiastics who have raped the divine revelation by dispossessing it of its system of intricate and elaborate symbols.

“Obviously, the United States Trademark Office was entirely unaware of the offensive, deceitful, and illegal act that was being committed when this Manual-terminated five-member Board conferred trademarks of property which belonged, not to a Boston illegal Board of Directors who falsely oversee a denominational religious organization, but belongs rather, to a divine revelation which includes and requires every one of its intricate system of symbols in order that it may be humanly assimilated, understood, and demonstrated.

“There is no record of any conveyance made by Mrs. Eddy, either intravivos or through ‘bequest’, which conferred upon the Boston based Manually-terminated Christian Science Board of Directors, the right of ownership of either Mrs. Eddy’s cross & crown emblem, as seen on the cover of her textbook, or of her signature, as it appears upon the title page of her textbook, beneath her picture. Indeed, the illegal five-Directors did not attempt to enact these illegal and usurpative acquisitions until 1916, six years after Mrs. Eddy had passed on!

The Christian Science textbook was extricated, in 1987, from an illegal and unconstitutional copyright which the same Manual-terminated five-Directors stealthily and secretly pushed through Congress as recently as 1971. The textbook was freed of that exclusive, restrictive, illegal and unconstitutional copyright in the 1987 nullification and rescinding of Public Law 92-60. When Federal Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson’s Summary Judgement Decision freed the textbook of its illegal entrapment, it concurrently liberated the entire symbol system which is both inscribed within and emblazoned upon the front cover of Mary Baker Eddy’s seminal and sacred writ, her holy book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” (End of David Robinson on cross and crown As noted before, David Robinson’s address is: P.O. Box 888 Bakersville, NC 28705.)

Why is the freedom of these symbols so important? Because they point to the Church Universal and Triumphant, free and unfettered, beyond all human organization.

Mrs. Eddy tells us, “The modest edifice of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, began with the cross; its excelsior extension is the crown” (My. 6:17). In 1913 Webster defined the adjective “excelsior” as meaning “more lofty; still higher; ever upward” while the noun “excelsior”means “a material of curled shreds of wool used for stuffing upholstered furniture and mattresses, etc.” Today’s Webster gives only the noun’s meaning; but since Mrs. Eddy is using it as an adjective, it means the extension of her teaching out into all the world, until all “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

Mrs. Eddy adds: “The room of your Leader [our Leader whose writings are the Comforter, the second coming of the Christ] remains in the beginning of this edifice evidencing…the word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Its [the Church’s] crowning ultimate rises to a mental monument, a superstructure high above the work of men’s hands, even the outcome of their hearts, giving to the material a spiritual significance—the speed, beauty, and achievements of goodness” (ibid.)

In today’s world we see this “goodness” expressed in even such little incidents as the following:

Linda of Clackamas was driving down Southeast 82nd Avenue approaching Sunnyside Road when she rear-ended the car in front, at about 10 mph. Both drivers got out of their cars, and Linda recalls what happened next:

“The first thing this woman did was come over to me and give me a hug. I said I was really sorry and she briefly looked at her car and said, ‘Don’t worry, its OK. There’s no damage. I have a really strong bumper.’ Then she hugged me again.

“I just couldn’t believe it. Here we were, two middle-aged women in the middle of 82nd Street, in rush-hour traffic, hugging, while traffic stood still for us. Nobody even honked. In this day and age when everything is a big deal and everybody sues everybody, this woman in the little white car seemed more concerned and genuinely interested in me than her car. I was truly impressed and can’t help but think that everyone who watched was, too.”

As we stand at the dawn of the new millennium, let us more and more stand in awe and reverence for our Leader’s advice to love more, to be Love; and to become aware of the end of the material sense of things. Deep within every person is the hunger for Love. This is why Mrs. Eddy told her last class that the way to heal is to “be Love, be nothing but Love.”

Let’s try to lift the state of consciousness of all who come to us. This we can only do as we specifically entertain the consciousness of Truth within our own being, and so lift ourselves.

We must see that the infinite good we call God is the substance and consciousness of everyone we meet, of everyone who enters our home. Our home is a heavenly state of thought. And nothing can remain in my home, my being, my temple, that is not Godlike.

Every loyal Scientist understands that the second coming of the Christ is the next higher, more spiritual revelation of infinite good’s character.

One kind word can warm three winter months. Christian Scientists, of all people, should know what is required. The need is to do it. If only we would!


As someone has said:

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can get going without pep pills,

If you can always be cheerful,

ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining

and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food everyday

and be grateful for it,

If you can understand when your loved ones

are too busy to give you any time,

If you can overlook it when those you love

take it out on you when, through no fault

of your own, something goes wrong,

If you can take criticism and blame

without resentment,

If you can ignore a friend’s limited education

and never correct him,

If you can resist treating a rich friend

better than a poor friend,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,

If you can say honestly that deep in your heart

you have no prejudice against Creed,

color, religion or politics,

Then, my friend, you are

almost as good as your dog


In 1895, three years after the 1892 Deed of Trust, Mrs. Eddy wrote the Manual. Why did she write it?

Because she found, to her sorrow, that as Christian Science rapidly spread over the entire face of the globe the INFORMAL method of controlling the church people was not sufficient and that they had to have some written rules—“that which I said in my heart would never be needed, namely, laws of limitation for a Christian Scientist” (My. 229:25). They would need leading and guiding after her departure from the human scene—leading and guiding by her Manual, not by five Manual-disobeying, power-craving mortals. Therefore, “eternity awaits our Church Manual” (My. 230:2). If only we would obey it, and so find heaven here.


Now we come down to late 1902. Up until 1902 there had been only the four-man Board. But when Mrs. Eddy continued to invest this four-man Board with more and more power and duties, under her Christly supervision, she saw the time had come when she must distinguish between the legal on-going self-perpetuating four-man Board, (who under the Deed of Trust, which she had created by her 1892 Deed, had only limited powers) and this same Board to which she was continually giving more powers—powers which were not to continue after her passing.

To distinguish this newly powerful Mother Church Board from the four-man Board created by the 1892 Deed of Trust, she added a fifth member, making this Mother Church Board a temporary Board, by requiring that a vacancy on this Board could only be filled AFTER obtaining her approval.


In view of all that Mrs. Eddy has said about the necessity for uncovering and exposing error in order that it might be corrected and healed, what would she do if she were here on earth today and witnessed what has happened to the once flourishing Christian Science movement?

If Mrs. Eddy witnessed the five member Board of Directors’ attempt to imprison her uncopyrighted textbook via copyright laws, and the many other iniquities today practiced by ecclesiasticism and authoritarian control, what would she do? What action would she take? Can anyone familiar with her holy history imagine that Mrs. Eddy would not take every human footstep necessary to free Science and Health, her child, from the grasp of legal power? Indeed she hinted at the possibility of a court battle on this very issue when in the class of 1898 she declared: “The Manual will be acknowledged as law by law.”

In the beginning, when Mrs. Eddy’s writings were flagrantly plagiarized, she took the legal steps necessary to protect them. When her husband, Dr. Eddy, was falsely accused of murdering a fellow worker, Mrs. Eddy took the human footsteps of going to the public library and reading law cases; this action resulted in her finding information that led to Dr. Eddy’s acquittal.

There can be no doubt that were Mrs. Eddy here today she would take advantage of every human agency available, to return Science and Health and all her published and unpublished writings to the public domain, (as loyal Christian Scientists have done). Her writings should be as free as the Bible is. All who wish to print them should be able to do so, and will.


Man has for thousands of years tried to explain the nature of evil along with the nature of God, good. Much of the Book of Revelation is concerned with St. John’s vision of the nature of evil as revealed to him by Jesus.

But Mary Baker Eddy, God’s great Scientist, was the first in human history to explain and give to mankind a spiritually scientific understanding of these two seeming opposite powers, and to resolve them into the One and only God, infinite good. She showed evil in all its guises to be unreal, to be merely illusion, hypnotic suggestion alone,which,when found out, leaves infinite good as the all and only reality.

Mrs. Eddy reminds us:

“If you venture upon the quiet surface of error and are in sympathy with error, what is there to disturb the waters? What is there to strip off error’s disguise?”

“If you launch your bark upon the ever-agitated but healthful waters of truth, you willencounter storms. Your good will be evil spoken of. This is the cross. Take it up and bear it, for through it you win and wear the crown. Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou art the guest of God.” (254:24) (p. 94, p.12)


As this new millennium kicks off, the whole world—the people in it—must learn the truth about themselves. They must no longer be taken in by the fictional drivel that has prevailed since time immemorial

“The millennium is a state and stage of mental advancement, going on since ever time was. Its impetus, accelerated by the advent of Christian Science, is marked, and will increase till all men shall know Him (divine Love) from the least to the greatest, and one God and the brotherhood of man shall be known and acknowledged throughout the earth” (Miscellany 239:27).

“Deeds, not words, are the sound test of love” (My.vii:10). Upholdingand obeying the Manual’s By-Laws, is a reasonable service which all Christian Scientists should be willing to render their Leader. Let us vigorously protest every disobedience—such as the amending, waiving, and the annulling of those By-Laws, and the imprisoning of Mrs. Eddy’s writings and putting the cross and crown under copyright. Let us thus show our love for both Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy.


In dealing with the harsh vicissitudes that often confronted her, Mrs. Eddy knew that Mind gave her all faculties, and that she was the very ability of Mind. It was just a matter of “getting Mary out of the way” and letting Mind direct. In the textbook we read that Mind, the one Mind that is the true Mind of all, leads, directs; that it comes to the human and guides.

We never know in what form this help, this divine leading, may come. But we know our salvation lies in getting self out of the way and continually going out from the divine standpoint—the standpoint that tells us the one Mind, our real Mind, is infinite power, infinite intelligence; it knows itself as all-comprehending, all–hearing, all–seeing, all-knowing; it is the only cause, and the source of all that is made or produced.

What looks like error or evil is mere illusion, is merely this one Mind misinterpreted, not seen correctly; otherwise God, Mind, could not be All-in-all. Error, evil, mortal mind’s picture, is never real, is never an entity. Read this paragraph again.

Evil is being “uncovered,” is being found out; and exposure is nine points of destruction (No. 24:19). Mrs. Eddy assures us of the “certainty that error, when found out, is two-thirds destroyed, and the remaining third kills itself….The mounting sense gathers fresh forms and strange fire from the ashes of dissolving self, and drops the world” (Mis. 210:5, and 1:16).

The one Mind, that is our own real Mind, holds the answer to any and all problems that could ever arise to torment us.

In her Message for 1902 (p.19:16) Mrs. Eddy wrote:

Jesus saith: “Come unto me.” O glorious hope! there remaineth a rest for the righteous, a rest in Christ, a peace in Love. The thought of it stills complaint; the heaving surf of life’s troubled sea foams itself away, and underneath is a deep-settled calm.

Why does Mrs. Eddy see “glorious hope” in coming to Jesus—in coming to his way of seeing life? Why does the very thought of it “still complaint”?

More than anyone else “born of the flesh,” Mrs. Eddy “understood the nothingness of material life and intelligence and the mighty actuality of all-inclusive God, good” (S&H.52:19). Her revelation of Science “compassed” Christianity, as Jeremiah said “a woman” would do. Coming unto Jesus means coming to that same understanding, knowing that Science would compass Christianity.

Jesus understood that the kingdom of God is within consciousness—within your consciousness. This gives each individual all the power that God, Principle, infinite good, has. Who believes it? And yet it is the truth which, when understood, will set us free. It sets us free, because from this teaching we learn that all that appears to be “out there” apart from infinite good, the one Mind, is pure illusion. Mrs. Eddy tells us (Pul.4:21) that this kingdom, within our consciousness, is an individual kingdom. Do you begin to see your power?


This is a radical, total change from conventional thinking. It calls on us to drop our material point of view and adopt the Science point of view—to continually go out from the present perfection that, in reality, has always been our birthright. It is not something we have to work for, since it is already ours; it is already the kingdom of God within our consciousness, and continually reveals itself spontaneously once we rid ourselves of the notion of a selfhood apart from God.

To get on this wonderful spiritual wave length does, of course, require a deep desire. It requires the uncovering of error, and battling down the animal magnetism, the aggressive mental suggestion, the hypnotic sense, that would deceive us.

“Science is the Mind of God” (’01.22:4). This one Mind is your Mind and my Mind. It is the only Mind. There is no other Mind. This Mind—that is your Mind, and which constitutes the kingdom of heaven within you—“is its own great cause and effect” (Mis.173:12).

In reality there is nothing going on besides what is going on in this one and only Mind, the Mind that constitutes the kingdom of heaven within you. Therefore it is well never to lose sight of the fact that it is only a material sense of things, illusion, hypnotism, that seems temporarily to hide divine harmony from you. Remember this. Read this paragraph again.

The Church created, founded, and erected on the Rock, is the indwelling temple of God; “it is the Mind that has consecrated its affections, aims, ambitions, hopes, joys, and fruition to Spirit, whose methods and means are secure” (Clare Shannon class notes, 1889).

Of material church, Mrs. Eddy says:

If you really do believe there is no mortal or erring mind, then as a rational being you would suppress the manifestation of this falsity [all material church activity]; you would say to its every impulse, “get thee behind me, Satan, for thou savourest not of the things that be of God, but those that be of man,” that are of mortal mind and proceed not from immortal Truth and Love.

If this is not your mental attitude relative to this question [of material church activity] and its answer, then you do believe in another mind other than God…. (Essay: Material Church Activity, EOF. p.1)


Mrs. Eddy knew the time for a great awakening had come—that the time for thinkers, the time for a radical change of thought and viewpoint, had arrived, that “Truth independent of doctrines and time-honored systems” was making itself felt. She went out from present perfection, and saw the utter unreality of a world “out there”—a world of sinners that needed to be saved by a material church organization.

Right is radical, she said. It insists that we exchange our material point of view for the spiritual point of view which her writings set forth. This spiritual point of view interprets what we see as Mind’s creations, as all pointing to Mind—the spiritual intelligence they reflect. (See Mis. 86:9)

It is high time we figured out who we really are. The way so many of us haphazardly search for a sense of identity reminds me of the following account. A man writes:

“Last spring I was phoned about a 25th high school reunion in Virginia. I told the caller that although the name was correct, I was not the man she was looking for, adding that I had just attended my 50th college reunion. Later, surfing the Net, I found someone in Virginia with the same name. I e-mailed him, explaining that I had been mistakenly contacted about what might be his 25th high school reunion. He e-mailed back: ‘I’m not the right guy either. I’m in fifth grade.’”

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you.” This can only mean what Mrs. Eddy says it means, namely, that “the Christian Scientist is alone with his own being [which is “incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love,] and with the reality of things.” Accepting this truth gives us ”sovereign power to think and act rightly” (’01:20:8 and Pul. 3:7). Study this!

Mrs. Eddy saw that all is Mind and there is no matter-world “out there” or “over there.” What we see is always Mind manifesting itself; and Mind doesn’t manifest itself as its opposite, as matter. It is our mortal point of view that causes us to think there is a matter universe ”out there”—a universe of sick, sinning, dying mortals that need to be saved by a material church organization. This is not Christian Science; it is merely the “drag-on” of Old Theology. And our textbook tells us: “outside [this] material sense of things all is harmony” (489:28).


It is only a material sense of things that keeps us locked into the error of thinking we are surrounded by a material universe that can be harmful, when the truth is, the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God, is within us. This means there is no matter-substance. What we see, when we look out upon the universe, is Mind being manifested—our true divine Mind. The kingdom of heaven within is manifesting itself AS MIND, not as matter. It may look like matter, but it is impossible for it to ever be anything but Spirit. “What thou needest to know,” Mrs. Eddy told Calvin Frye, “is that mortal mind [our erring material point of view] has translated the body and its functions into matter, and immortal Mind gives back the original with its functions preserved and harmonious, but not as not in matter, but as and of Mind.” It may look like matter. A rose held in our hand may look like matter to us but we know it is a “hieroglyph of Deity.” To a student Mrs. Eddy once said, ”I wish I could tell you what I see when I look into a rose.”


Though in reality “we live in an age of Love’s divine adventure to be All-in-all” (My. 158: 9), we seem to be living in an age of truth—an age of uncovering. Since 1910 we have been in that period of which Mrs. Eddy speaks on page 570:18 of Science and Health. ”What if the old dragon should send forth a new flood to drown the Christ-idea? He can neither drown your voice with its roar, nor again sink the world into the deep waters of chaos and old night.”

We are today living in the time between two eras. We do not understand the jumble of the present because we do not understand yet what was done for us in the last century by the great work of Mary Baker Eddy, nor do we yet understand what she meant by: “Thou God-crowned patient century, thine hour hath come” (Poems).

Though “it is the prerogative of the ever present divine Mind, and of thought which is in rapport with this Mind, to know the past, the present and the future” (84:11), we have, in a way, bracketed off the present from both the past and the future. Humanly we cling to a known past for fear of taking that quantum leap toward dropping all sense of matter and materiality, to embrace what appears to be an unknown future.

We can make uncertainty our friend by letting it drive us toward more consecrated study of our textbook, more dedicated practice of what it teaches. This will give us fantastic leverage and influence. It will clear our vision to obey the Manual and promote the incentive to:

make one not only know the truth but live it—to make one enjoy doing right, make one not work in the sunshine and run away in the storm, but work midst clouds of wrong, injustice, envy, hate; and wait on God…who will reward righteousness and punish iniquity (My. 252:11).

To Mrs. Eddy there was no material world “out there.” The kingdom of God, of Mind, was within consciousness, wholly good, wholly harmonious. This is the vital point. All else is pure illusion. In this kingdom of heaven within, there are no sinners “out there” needing to be purified. There is no need for a material organization, set up with laws that members must adhere to, or be disciplined and perhaps excommunicated. Material organization entails the opposite of the present perfection of everything—of the infinite eternal omnipresent perfection here and now.

The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man...This immaculate idea, represented first by man, and according to the Revelator, last by woman, will baptize with fire; and the fiery baptism will burn up the chaff of error with the fervent heat of Truth and Love, melting and purifying even the gold in human character (560:11-565:18).


The world was Mrs. Eddy’s church. She gave money and praise to other churches because other churches simply represent Church. One of the reasons that she gave McClellan and others, for wanting a German language Christian Science publication in the U.S. (Der Herald) was to reach, for example, the many thousands of Jews in New York City who know German. Mrs. Eddy’s love went out to Catholic, Protestant, Jew and to every person of whatever faith, as well as to D.D. and M.D.Mrs. Eddy would have enjoyed the following joke about doctors:

A man undergoing surgery was surprised by how well he was treated after hospital personnel found out that both his sons are doctors. He mentioned it to one of his boys. ”Yeah, Dad,” his son replied. “The only way you’d get treated better is if we were both lawyers.”

Our love, like Mary Baker Eddy’s, should go out to all mankind. Then our Church would indeed be “universal and triumphant.”


As Jesus’ three-year ministry has tremendously influenced the world for nearly two thousand years, so will Mrs. Eddy’s labor for mankind continue to influence humanity’s thinking for all ages to come. Mrs. Eddy stands justified in the mercy, glory, grandeur and permanence of her work on earth. She brought assurance that overcame doubt; hope that routed despair; strength that gave to weakness the courage to overcome sinful tendencies; she brought health that has banished sickness. She unveiled and revealed man’s present divinity, his present God-being.


The world did not know it, but with the advent of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery and revelation of Science, which she reduced to human apprehension and named Christian Science, humanity approached the greatest watershed in the history of mankind, spiritually or otherwise.

Why? Because Mrs. Eddy showed us how to give a treatment—to instantly erase sin, sickness and error. To give a treatment, we must get into consciousness a clear understanding of what God is—”the great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance, intellegence” (S&H 587). This is what I am and what the patient is.

God is the Principle of the universe. God, your own real Mind, initiates and includes all existance. This Mind, your real Mind, is infinite, filling all time and space, just as 2+2=4 fills all time and space. There never was creation in the scientific sense. Everything that exists now always has existed, just as 2+2=4 always existed. Thus in giving a treatment, as in knowing a mathematical fact, time and space are eliminated.

In all God’s (your Mind’s) kingdom there is no error, just as in the science of math there is no error. That which is not true only seems to exist; it is merely illusion, hypnotic suggestion. God is consciousness, and man is the conscious expression of that consciousness. We have to know that Truth is its own utterance and impulsion. We have to know the truth just as in mathematics we know that 2X2=4, and this knowing unsees the error.

What can delay or hinder Truth? Nothing, since it is the word of God, which as the prophet Isaiah said, “shall not return unto me [infinite good, Mind, God] void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper unto the thing whereunto I sent it.” Mrs. Eddy’s definition of God (S&H 587:5) handles every arguement of the carnal mind.


Must centuries elapse before the world in general becomes aware of who was among us in the later half of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth? When will the second coming of the Christ —in the form of a textbook—be seen and fully acknowledged?

A dear friend in Florida, Alice E. Swanson, is working to bring that day closer. With the help of the Mary Baker Eddy Institute, she has been sending copies of America, Cradle for the Second Coming of the Christ and the Aequus reprint of the 1910 Science and Health to members of Congress, Supreme Court Justices, the media and even foreign diplomats and dignitaries. Alice would like to see Mrs. Eddy’s 1910 edition of Science and Health reissued in its original form and nominated for the Nobel Prize. Anyone who would like to support her in this effort is urged to write her at :

809 SW Fifth Court, Boyton Beach, FL 33426.

In his memoirs Judge Septimus J. Hanna wrote, “When I asked Mrs. Eddy why Christian Scientists were not more grateful to her she replied, ‘Because they have not grown to it’” (Collectanea, p.77).

But growth is taking place. A vast overturning of standpoints is today under way in which a spiritual scientific model of consciousness is supplanting the old model of materiality. As we have commented before in these News Letters, even the physical scientists are today beginning to recognize the import of the understanding Mary Baker Eddy brought us.

Since Dr. Einstein was chosen man of the century, many people have expressed renewed interest in this brilliant physicist’s insights into religion and science. For several years our friend, Robert H. Hough, has been collecting information about Albert Einstein’s interest in Christian Science and his esteem for Mary Baker Eddy, and he tells us he has just compiled a booklet on Dr. Albert Einstein, containing some of Einstein’s quotes on the Christian Science textbook and its author, as well as a professional analysis of how he arrived at his theories!

Anyone desiring information on Albert Einstein’s deep interest in Christian Science is welcome to contact Robert Hough at 335 Beach Rd #B, Almeda, CA 94502-6711 for a free copy of his compilation.

Mr. Hough would also welcome any additional documented accounts of Einstein’s interest or involvement with Christian Science.


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).What wonderful words of advice! Long before children are ready for school parents can establish family guidelines for behavior. Children can be taught the kind thing to do; they can be taught honesty and fairness and respect for others and for the law.

Now, when children are little, is the best time to prepare them to make good decisions on their own later. How? With young children it’s not what parents say, but rather what they do, that children notice. If parents drink and smoke, children are apt to follow their example. Children under ten years of age learn mainly by experience. What they see is very real to them, and although teachers at school often achieve herolike status, it’s what children learn and encounter at home that counts most.

Parents are the best teachers, and children learn best by example, so be sure to show them, by your own actions, what is right. Then acknowledge their right words and acts. Your praise is important to your child, so praise your children when they do or say a right thing.

You can also gently point out what is wrong; there is no need to let your silence be acceptance. Talk to your children and set standards of right and wrong. Teach them not to be followers of what is not the highest conduct. Teach them that if they are urged to do something which makes them uncomfortable or doesn’t seem right, they should ask you, or someone else they trust, if it’s the right thing to do.

Listen to your children. Give them plenty of loving attention. This gives them a sense of self-worth. Experience has shown that loving attention is important in developing lifelong self-worth, and that lack of self-worth is a major reason for problems like drug use. Keep your children busy. Be involved with them. Most of all, love them, believe in them and support them. You are their best teacher!


Today all Christendom loves and reveres Christ Jesus; and the day is dawning, thanks to efforts like those of David Robinson, Robert Hough and Alice Swanson, when the hearts of all mankind will flow out in gratitude, love, and reverence for Mary Baker Eddy, because she brought Science with demonstrable Principle and rule. She brought the Science that compasses Christianity. What a majestic, God-blessed scenario to contemplate!


A guest with a reservation at a bed-and-breakfast had trouble finding the place and went to the funeral home across the street by mistake. With his garment bag over his shoulder, he walked in and looked around. “Is this where I check in?” he asked someone in the lobby. “No,” came the reply, “this is where you check out.”

Don’t wait! Exit mortality now and “awake to your present ownership of all good”!

We can’t spin away reality forever. We are fast learning that we now, in reality, are “incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth and Love.”

God bless you and please let us hear from you.

Remember, We Moved!

26803 Edgewater Blvd. NW

Poulsbo, WA 98370


Mary Baker Eddy Institute

The Mary Baker Eddy Institute has been formed for the purpose of drawing together under the canopy of Love all who have a deep sense of gratitude, love and reverence for the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. It seeks to return Mary Baker Eddy, Gods scribe--who fulfilled scriptural prophecy and was the human appearing of the prophesied woman of the Apocalypse--to the spiritual zenith where she rightfully belongs.

As mankinds love for Jesus has steadily grown over the past two thousand years, so will a deeper sense of love and gratitude--the homage of the heart--be felt for this God-appointed woman who walked among us during the later part of the last century and the first decade of this. Mary Baker Eddy, alone on earth, became aware of mans true identity as divine Science, which she reduced to human comprehension [and] named Christian Science (S&H 471:30).

Through her pure spiritual consciousness God could pour the divine revelation of mans divinity--the revelation of our divinity, our oneness with divine Principle, Love. Through this revelation we are each destined to become aware of our divinity, and its demonstration. It is only a matter of spiritual education.

The truth about you and me is everywhere present just as 2X2=4 is everywhere present and doesnt need channels to get from the Principle to our Mind, since our own real Mind is the Principle. If we are consciously aware that 2X2=4, the Principle works for us in our experience.

Mary Baker Eddys writings reveal our divinity. Through spiritual education we can now all become aware of our divinity, and so demonstrate and experience it; but the truth cannot make us free unless we become aware of it. The Mary Baker Eddy Institute endeavors to publish and declare what the pioneer has accomplished (S&H vii:25). It has its main objective helping the student become aware of the truth that frees.

This Mary Baker Eddy Institute seeks to do for Mary Baker Eddy what Mary Baker Eddy did for Jesus. It joins with all those who are actively engaged in acquainting humanity with the message brought by Gods wayshower to this age--those who are effectively promoting and extending the Science taught by Mary Baker Eddy.


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