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  Artificial Intelligence or Divine Mind
Choose Ye!
Julie Olive Treadwell
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Artificial Intelligence or Divine Mind-Editor
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Artificial Intelligence or Divine Mind - Choose Ye!   Julie Olive Treadwell



In the Textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with “Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, (p. 114), its author, Mary Baker Eddy, tells us “Christian Science ... disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being and sets free the imprisoned thought.” Translated into today’s language, we are talking about the “wiring” of the brain.

Today’s physical scientists are busy decoding the brain, disentangling the false impressions, (curing), cutting out false beliefs, but they are using false hardware, a false default. Only God, Mind Itself can do this job.

In the early part of the last century when Mrs. Eddy’s work was prolific in world consciousness, Frederick Rawson, a student of “Science and Health,” an eminent scientist and electrical engineer, was quoted as saying “The scientists of today know there is no matter.”

The wiring of the universe is not material and electrical, it is instead Spiritual.

Mary Baker Eddy told us “atomic action is Mind, not matter.” (Miscellaneous Writings p. 190). Scientists of today are looking for their answers in the realm of artificial intelligence. Yet true intelligence is God, Mind, and when we appropriate the “mind of Christ,” (Philippians 2:5) as the Holy Scriptures require, we will have overcome the belief of life in matter and recognize our true being as all good, or by reflection as God's image and likeness.

The statement quoted above about disentangling interlaced ambiguities is in “Science and Health” in the chapter “Science, Theology, Medicine.” This chapter (in Mrs. Eddy’s matrix constructed textbook) precedes the scientific translation of first, immortal mind, and next, mortal mind. Thus, intelligence itself, overcoming artificial intelligence. Or as the textbook tells us, “Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul. (SH 269)

Below is a list of the first few chapters, including the related side of the each of the “four sides of the city” which lead up to the topic of this article (SH 574-575).

The first four chapters are the “Word” chapters:

--1-- “Prayer”, the Word of God as the Word;

--2-- ”Atonement and Eucharist,” the Word as the Christ, or the activity of God;

--3-- “Marriage,” the joining of prayer to the activity of the Christ gives us Christianity;

--4-- “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” the Word as Science

The next two chapters are the first of four “Christ” chapters:

--5-- “Animal magnetism unmasked”, the activity of the Christ as the Word because only as we follow the human footsteps and unmask the hypnotism of the past can we also discover the Science of the Bible, as expressed in the next chapter, “Science, Theology, Medicine.”

--6-- “Science, Theology, Medicine”, the topic of this article.

As the Reader of “Science and Health” in a Christian Science church, where the Bible and “Science and Health” are read aloud on Sunday (after being studied all week), I have often read the paragraph about “interlaced ambiguities,” and wondered “what in the world” Mrs. Eddy was talking about! Now I learn, as the physicists are telling us, all our troubles are caused by “false wiring in the brain.” I see more clearly the true explanation of the phrase - “interlaced ambiguities”.

Mrs. Eddy's title to one of the 26 Weekly Lesson topics is, “Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?” Along with the statement “atomic action is Mind, not matter” (Miscellaneous Writings p. 190), Mrs. Eddy shows us how to translate (SH p. 115-116), thereby “exchanging the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul”.

Thus the DNA, or building blocks, of the “inspired Word of the Bible”, bring forth harmony; “all things working together for good,” where one God, divine Principle, Love, is All-in-all.

Here let us look again at the “Scientific Statement of Being”, found in the Textbook, page 468, in the chapter “Recapitulation”. This chapter she designated to be the teaching summary of the textbook.

The Scientific Statement of Being

There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore, man is not material; he is spiritual.

And, the Tenets of Christian Science from the Christian Science textbook (p. 497), are as follows:

Tenets of Christian Science

The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science: -

1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God.

2. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God's image and likeness.

3. We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.

4. We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.

5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.

6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.

Artificial Intelligence or Divine Mind-Editor
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